For the past month or so I’ve been trying to do WILD with WBTB method. This morning it worked and I thought I’d share.
Keep in mind I am a newbie. I recently discovered LD ((June 2014)). I have a DJ but I’ve been SUPER lazy and haven’t written much in a while ((my recall is below “OK”)). I don’t really do RC because I cant find one I like . I say all of this to say, i’m not advanced yet. I’ve only had 4 LD so far but I think I found the technique to work ((for me)).
I woke up after 4.5 hours of sleep. I got my child ready for school but I kept getting back in the bed ((wasn’t too active)). I didn’t turn on any major lighting in the house ((only the bathroom)). I never turn on too much lighting in the room im in when doing WBTB. I know I need to stay sleepy enough to get into WILD. I laid back down after about 20 minutes of being up. I laid on my back, listened to a binaural beat I found on youtube for LD. After about 30 minutes of feeling tingles and itches, I gave up.
I took the earphones out and turned to my side. I swear it felt like a second went by and I woke up in bed ((this was actually a false awakening )). I looked around my room and tried to get out of bed, I knew I was dreaming right at this moment. At that moment I could feel my physical body still laying on its side I think this happened because I just entered the dream I tried not to wake up by closing my eyes tightly ((I think I panicked…lol )). The I was sucked back into the hypnagogic state. I’ve never felt the hypnagogic state like this before. I normally see lights and sparks but this time…I heard a VERY LOUD sound and I was vibrating as if I was sound . I was in this state for what seemed to be 3-4 minutes. Then it seemed as if I was sucked back into a dream. Everything moved around me but me. The sky was purple and had millions of stars in it. Then it quickly switched to the clouds and it looked like I was flying.
I woke up after that.
Was this a true WILD? Why did I get sucked back into the hypnagogic stage? How was I able to still feel my physical body while sleep…is this normal? Should I count this as a LD?
Any tips//suggestions are welcomed.
I tried to enjoy the hypnagogic state but I wanted to LD so bad.