My Weird dreams - what do they mean?

Hello!! I have had many weird dreams, I am hoping that maybe you can help me understand them!! :content:

“FOUR JIVE BAND” 5/12/04

Ok, in this dream I was my mum! I was shopping with my children (me and me brothers) in this weird supermarket. When I was coming out, Emma Thompson and some other random actresses came up to me and made my daughter (me as i was my mum) vanish into thin and then asked me to invest in a “Four Jive Band” Drum set. To make money or something.

Does anyone have any ideas what it means?

Perhaps that if you were your mother (that is if you were older) you could do what you want (art fort instance) and earn money ? It just looks like a desire dream, not very significant, indeed…

Hello kimmy, if you wish to post your dreams purely for dream analysis they should be posted in the stuff of dreams forum.
Would you like me to transfer your topic there?

Hey Moogle!! Yeah, that would be great!!

“BOATS” 5/12/04

It started in the school hall seeing a school play. The hall seemed much thinner that usual, so it only had half the chairs it was able for.

It suddenly changed to everyone going into the hall and choosing a chair to sit in. This time the chairs were all lined up as if there was going to be an exam. Me and some other poeple picked one row and sat down, we noticed however that there were hardly any people in our row. All of a sudden each row changed into a dry river bed. Each row had its own river bed to drive down in a open landrover. Our group suddenly realised that the reason no-one sat in our row was that our river bed was going to be filled up with water. At that moment a sudden gush of water came towards us, shaped like toothpaste out of a tube. We swerved to avoid it. Another gush of water came toward us as we turned the corner, we swerved it. This time the water started coming up behind us. The car we were in suddenly turned into a boat.
On one side of us was a cafe. But it looked like a set in a movie. We jumped over a small hedge into the cafe area. One of the teachers who didnt speak english took me off to the menu board and asked me to try to explain what the food was. The food was random things like Turtle. I had to try to explain what a turtle was without words.
There were some chairs over at the side with some empty plate on each them. The teacher that I was with took one of the chairs to sit down. Within a few seconds a group of ladies came up. They had booked that table that we had taken the chair from. We gave back the chair and they snatched it of us. The teacher then gave back the empty plate but they looked at her in disgust. So I gave them a really evil look as the teacher was only tring to be nice. I woke up with me ans the new lady staring eachother out.

I have no idea why I had this dream!