My WILD way... HI shaping

Firts thing I have to say… never had any LD by WILD, those I had before were normally from recognition of dreamsigns (the high level ones) or I was someway conscious (the low level ones)

This is a method I’m trying to develop from WILD:
I begin with relaxing, then count my breaths… My hands go numb, then I can’t feel my body any more… at this point normally my mind is really awake so I get bored from counting plus the counting makes me really too attentive to sounds like cars, my brother, etc…

I begin to stage something like a conversation with someone or a jazz quartet or a golf match… anything, but I stage it with some deliberate error like a wrong voice for the carachter or cubic golf balls, in some minutes things begin to go in their place… my visualization (that in full awake status isn’t that good) begins to work until in some minutes things become normal (the voice morphs into the right one, golf balls become spheres…) like my mind isn’t any more able to handle the modifications I inserted…

the whistle in my ear arrives then my muscles have a strong spasm (could it be the beginning of SP?) and… I’m totally awake again and will have trouble getting to sleep for that night

Do you think this method could lead anywhere?

The thing that worries me more is that if I can’t any more modify things in what I’m staging I’m losing control about it…

It sounds promising :cool: I have been using a WILD method that is close to this. Instead of shaping HI from the beginning, i try to pay attention to the first HI that appears and then imagine something that is close to that. It makes it easier when it works. With WILD, it actually helps to let it flow just a little…as long as we don’t fall properly asleep! Good luck!