yea! my second LD!! damn im proud!
i already wrote here what was my 1st LD about(black cat turning into panther with shiny golden eyes). this time panther was back twice as big and very threatening. i was saving me and 2dogs from it while my dreams turned lucid and we flew threw the window to escape. while i was in the air floating i was free and happy again…then i woke up.
someone told me he read that black cat means someone in your life hates you.
lately it also happened to me that i had awake night mares where i saw threating animals(snakes,disgusting bugs…) on a friend that slept besides me and alike. he pointed out it could be that someone is playing with me with black magic. well…
maybe it is just my wild imagination…(i hope… )or maybe someone’s hate to me is really big…
i dont know much about black magic but if anyone does please tell me if there is anything i should be careful about right now!!
NO. It’s, more likely, as someone pointed out, your totem animal, because you were in your first LDs. (This person said a spirit guide could not be a “evil” animal. I don’t agree. In a chamanic point a view, there is no evil animal. Some part of the body could be symbolized by a spider or a bat, for instance).
According to a Freudian interpretation, it’s obviously because of the man who’s nickname is ‘cat’. Otherwise, black cats in a dream are more likely to symbolize your negative sentiments in a love situation.
As a general rule, avoid to project the content of your dream on an external situation (dreaming of someone’s death doesn’t mean he will die). But what do you mean with “awake nightmares” ? You mean, you are obviously awake and have imaginations ? Or your are in your bed with this friend, thinking your are awake, and you see threating animals ?
Could you please answer at this last question, it’s interesting me.
before i came on net now i talked to my father who looked about black cats in a dream book. it says they DO mean enemy…so you are all making me really confused right now with all those different explanations…hmmm
by the way i AM in a difficult love situation right now so you may have a point…
about nightmares. im not sure how to answer because both of your variants seems possible. i believe i was awake and saw all those animals. (but how real does that sound? ) halucinations maybe… when i saw them i got angry at my friend and said something like: i hope you’re happy now! you are the one who played with black magic!! (but he doesnt!!) then i emediately crashed down and slept till morning. he said i sounded really angry though
also there could be a connection between all my dreams,nightmares and my love situation because he is the one who was wrapped with snakes.
complicated, isnt it?
oh and one more thing…
when i got asleep this afternoon there was this huge shepherd knocked me down…
what the **** is with these animals???
im starting to believe it is all because of my unhappy love position…
and how to stop it? i dont want to hate my sleeping time…
OK… but I still prefer my own psychological interpretation… which seems to be not so wrong…
It is either a very short lucid dream or an hypnagogic hallucination while just waking up. What is funny is that your friend heard you speak, so you have really been awake for a short time. I asked you this, because I know many cases of women whose memory cannot distinguish between a LD state and a waking state. Or perhaps it is the same for men, but they don’t dare speak about that.
One of the best known potentialities of LDs is ability to deal with nightmares. Generally speaking, facing the problem in a dream makes the fear disappear. Have a look on a lot of topics on this forum about that,
and good dreams !
Black magic causing you to have nightmares? What… a crap spell…
People have nightmares naturally (some more then others). Also, re-occuring nightmares (same thing, or almost exactly the same each time) are common too.
This black cat… it seems to be re-ocurring. It helps you recognised that you’re dreaming. Don’t complain.
Try and be freindly towards it once lucid. Talk to it. Ask it its name.
If it does still react violently towards you, just make it go away or fight it.
I often dream about a black cat, and for the life of me, I can’t work out wh… hold on, that’s right! I had one for 15 years!
Seriously though, I don’t agree with generalized dream interpretation. Whatever you dream about, in my opinion, comes from your experience during life. Therefore, only you can work out what (if anything) it means. To say things like black represents hatred or unhappiness is not really sensible from my point of view. Dreams are inspired by any number of things that happen during the day, and the subconscious mind isn’t usually subtle about what it’s trying to tell you. If you’re starting to suspect that a friend is dissatisfied with you in some way, then you’ll probably have a dream in which that friend is blatantly angry at you. If you’re worried that the end of the world is near, or a loved-one is in danger, you’ll dream of exactly that. Anyway, that’s just my experience.
so you are all trying to tell me that dreams have no special meaning, just a different way of telling emotions i feel, things i go threw…
as mush as i may want to i cant believe it completely because these dreams are my first so real and repeting like One (or ‘other me’) is trying to tell me something…
i think about it a lot lately and i think its becoming clear to me. i think i know what i have to do that they will stop or become atleast more friendly. i have to start a new path in my life, go on and never look back.
God…it is gonna be hard…wish me luck!!
btw sureal i think you could be right about the cat issue though…and i wont complain anymore, just have to convince myself in a dream that it means no harm…i’ll try to play with it or something. since im new in LD, this could mean quite a challange for me…
thank you all for your thoughts, you are more than welcome to help me some more