This is a normal dream and the one i could remember as it was yesterday.
It all starts with me being in the woods, the strange thing was that the wood had walls, huge walls… i kept going around in the woods to explore, i wasnt afraid or anything, then suddenltly i saw to people, a man and a woman, i followed them, only to see that they where sitting naked in some corner of the woods, i apporched them and didnt say a word. Suddently it all stopped and i was transported to some other place with only the man, I really couldnt see his face at this time, i was cinda sitting right infront of some grave, the one used in world wars, anyway. I started to talkt with this dude, and he was unpolite to me, so i got mad, and then he only provoked me, then my arms became huge and long, so i took the man by the neck, and said something like “STFU!”… and he just kept on saying bad things to me… like the worst things anyone could possably say… I got more and more mad… at this point my arms was huge and long so i trew him around like a doll. And then i got so mad that i killed the dude… and then the dude looked at me and said; “There is no one here, its only you”… I mean this is fucking crazy, i started crying and then i saw i had killed myself, and that i had been saying all those bad things to MYSELF. Then i wake up going “WOW WTF WAS THAT?” That has been the biggest dream experience i ever had.
Anyone that could help me out in some way?
Hm. so the worst part was the comment that it was only you there? You could figure he lied. Tricked you. He seemed to know what to say to manipulate you.
Or you could figure it’s like they say that everything in a dream is part of yourself and it’s is technically true.
Or you could figure you hate yourself, at least the bad part of yourself and really who doesn’t? hehe
Theres a part of you that you may not want to confront, and it’s eating you, chewing you up and the man may represent this part of you. Technically, everything in the dream is a part of you, maybe there was a situation in your life that can really help understand this dream. Maybe not. Maybe the death meant you were moving on with something in your life. I honestly dont know