Myers-Briggs -- what's your type?


Introverted 56
Intuitive 44
Feeling 33
Perceiving 44

The description fits almost perfectly :smile:

Oew, mist something important
INTJ are called 'The Masterminds" :grin:

Now i am sure i will be sleeping beter T’night :wink:



i’m intp

INFJ. So many INTPs, though. For some reason, I’m not surprised.

You can add me to the INTP tally.

We seem to be common as muck around here.

I never thought of myself as intuitive though, even a 22 seems high. I’m not sure I like it… I may have misinterpreted some questions.

i had isfp first and realized i didn’t take it seriously and ran through it did it again and got this… infp 94 52 58 51

<— INFP here :tongue:

thanks for posting this link. it’s the first personality test (and i’ve tried dozens) in which i completely found myself… there’s really nothing in the descriptions i’d disagree about.

seems as if there were quite a lot of INFPs in this forum, given the fact that we make up 1% percent of the population. must be because of our constant search for deeper meaning in life g

My Type is INFJ
Strength of preference
Introverted 83
Intuitive 22
Feeling 33
Judging 33

I am
very expressed introvert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed judging personality


INTP (No big surprise, huh?)

Introverted 89
Intuitive 22
Thinking 11
Perceiving 22

Seems about right; although I don’t think I’m quite that introverted.

WOW? hmm didnt expect that lol i wanan keep a close eye on this

INTP here as well hehe woa doesnt it say there are only 2% is INTP and what here its like 50%, then again yeah considering the nature of the forums im not surprised, cool. I took that test awhile back though and ive changed since (i think) and so maybe…well i dunno ah well dont need a test to see who you are but it is amazing how on the dot it got me when i was thinking throughout the test that i was answering out of ‘my own free will’ thinking such was unpredictable. hehe

I’m an INTP as well… yet another one. :smile: I took the test so long ago that I don’t remember my scores, but all my preferences are pretty strong.

What is it about us that attracts us to lucid dreaming, I wonder?

I do think it is cool that such a minority of the population is so concentrated on one site :cool:

TimeLess_Soul… you and I are the same :smile:

all the best people are ENFJ’s :wink: just kidding. I’m not surprised that most people are Introverts. I’m quite introverted, but I’m good around people so I guess that makes me extroverted enough for this test!

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
11 44 33 11

Famous INFJs:

Nathan, prophet of Israel
Robert Burns, Scottish poet
U.S. Presidents:

Martin Van Buren
James Earl “Jimmy” Carter

Nathaniel Hawthorne, author, poet
Fanny Crosby, (blind) hymnist
Mother Teresa of Calcutta (wow)
Fred McMurray (My Three Sons, various movies)
Shirley Temple Black, child actor, ambassador
Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, martyr
James Reston, newspaper reporter
Shirley McClain, actor (Sweet Charity, …)
Piers Anthony, author (“Xanth” series) (sweet)
Michael Landon, actor (Highway to Heaven, Little House on the Prairie)
Tom Selleck, actor (Magnum, P. I., Mr. Baseball)
Oprah Winfrey, talk show host
John Katz, critic, author
Paul Stookey, folk singer (Peter, Paul and Mary)
Angela Lansbury, actor (Murder, She Wrote)
U. S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL)
Richard Gere, actor (Pretty Woman, Sommersby)
Billy Crystal, actor, comedian
Carrie Fisher, actor (Star Wars)

Like Moogle, my type is INFJ…

Introverted 56 Intuitive 33 Feeling 44 Judging 44

TimeLess_Soul and charlottedreamer… the ENFJ and ENTJs are supposed to compliment each other and are good for strong relationships :wink:

I was very happy to find that, when I forced my GF to take the test she was an ENFJ(I am ENTJ). I liked reading the comments that were like “ENFJs will have strong relationships with ENTJs(or something like that)
, but they often fail to find them either because they are such a small percentage of the population, or their initial impression turns them away.”

We talked the whole night about how lucky we were :smile: well not the wole nigt… but i kept joking about it :tongue:

Wow, I just read that I (INTP) am a part of only 1% of population…

You ARE lucky! I find it devilishly hard to find a date I can really talk to. (I’m an INFP.) My ex boyfriends have all tended to be NFs.

So like it says NFs and NTs are compatible… so you’ve had some luck…