Myers-Briggs -- what's your type?

My dad just gave me this test to take (on paper) a few days ago. Strange :happy:

I’m an INTP, “Life’s Conceptualizers,” according to the book my dad has about this stuff. The description it gave of INTP’s is pretty accurate to my personality. I enjoyed taking the test :smile:

Once in a blue moon, yeah. :sad:

I thought the MBTI was amazing for about a year of my life, but now, 3 years after initial discovery, it seems closer to astrology than anything. It’s a good way of making people understand each other’s differences, but sadly most people instead use it as an excuse to avoid people that are different from them.

If you’re curious, I tested INFP for a looong time. Now I think I’m probably INTP, if anything. But most dimensions I am near the border, so I’ve tested ISFP, among others. I’ve come out both Introvert and Extravert, Sensing and iNtuition, Feeler and Thinker. The only thing I know for sure is I am a P.