i tried to nap today, im not much of a napper, and i coudnt go to sleep after about an hour and a half, when i finally gave up, i had a big headache and stomach ache, i didnt really think it was a good idea, is napping just for everyone or just some people?
( and by the way, i have never had a lucid dream before, im a noob)
It honestly differs among certain people. If you like to rest and sleep, then yes, you can nap. But if you are too active to even think about sleeping, then a nap isn’t right for you. Depends on who you are if napping is for you or not. Its really a question you should ask yourself But I may be wrong, like always.
Napping sucks , I sometimes become tierd during the day lie around and without noticing it’s late evening and I wasted my entire day and I never eevn had any dreams during naptime since it’s too short
napping doesn’t “suck” as you say, you just have to do it right. You have to find what works for you. for example, I used to hate naps, because I’d always black out and wake up hours later with a headache and a sick feeling. This is why I started setting an alarm to go off after 30-60 minutes. That’s long enough for me, and I haven’t wasted much of my day. I also have a dream during this time, which gives me even more practice in Lucidity.
Plus, Laberge found that Lucid frequency was much greater while napping than at night. They really help a lot of people, and can be a rejuvenating part of the day if you find what works for you.
As for insomnia with napping, this is common. I find that midday naps are the easiest to take, especially after a filling meal. I usually sleep around 11-12 on weekends, and 3-4 on weekdays.
Hope this helped, happy dreaming.
oh cool good to know