Natural WILD?

So today I realized I may have had several chances to have a natural WILD experience, but woke up every time instead! :woo: I was reading the BIG WILD topic when my blessedly spastic brain presented me with the answer to my troubles. For a long time I have had an occurrence where when I would drift off but feel like I was not quite asleep, almost like I was on the edge of sleep. Suddenly, I would trip and fall, and start awake. The feeling will not generally come with normal WILD, but will if I drift off. So, if I don’t jump awake from this, will I continue on to SP, HI, or even straight to dream state? :content:


I often find myself in face with this problem, as you drift of and start to experience HH you might snatch and find yourself too much awake to continue WILD. So what you can do is to train yourself and with time become “immune” to this, well I think that you can’t become immune to this in manner of not experience it at all but to anticipate it and prepare yourself just before it comes. So after the experience you can stay calm and just let yourself to drift into dream world, it’s also a very awesome feeling I might even say beautiful feeling.

One second you lay in your bed, conscious of yourself and the surroundings, next seconds you start to feel amazing yet somehow intense feelings all over your body and then you black out. Next second you are in the open field gazing into the infinite space not damaged or polluted as it is in waking life knowing that it’s a dream and that your wish is the command to the dream itself… :content:

Thanks for the reply! :content: I’ll try to see if I can stay in the trance through it next time. :wink: Wish me luck!