Hi there folks,
Last night I had a weird (no, really?) non-lucid dream about teachers, gods, avatars, trees, dogs and much else. In one part of it I was carving this symbol on some trees, and I couldn’t get it out of my head even after waking. It’s not that I’m not used to strange things on my dreams, but I keep feeling I’ve seen this one somewhere, and I can’t really guess where. In the dream, it stood for nature, nature’s power, or something along the way.
The symbol itself is an X, with it’s two upper edges connected by a horizontally-stretched O - the whole thing inside a circle. Something like this:
..-.` `.-..
`.--` `--.`
...` `...
`.` `.`
`-. `........--------------.........` .-`
.- -/-```` ````-/` -.
-. `---.---.....................---.:-` .-
-. `..` ````````````` .-` .-
-. `.. ..` .-
`/ `.. `.` /`
:` `.. `.` `:
/ `.. `.` /
`: `.. `.` :`
:` `.. `.` `:
-. `--. .-
/ `.``.. /
/ `.. `.. /
-. `-` `.. .-
/ `.. `.. /
.- `.. `.. -.
.- `-. `.. -.
`- `.. `.. -`
`-` `.. `.` `-`
.- ` `` -.
`.` `..
... ...
`... ...`
...--` `--...
If you recognize this (or similar) please tell me what it is. If not, I’d be glad if you could share some thoughs about what it looks like to you.
SPOILER - Click to view
For me, it looks like a cup of sorts, a chalice or a bowl.
Edit: I know the ASCII art above sucks. Copy & paste into notepad and it will look better.