Nature sigil

Hi there folks,

Last night I had a weird (no, really?) non-lucid dream about teachers, gods, avatars, trees, dogs and much else. In one part of it I was carving this symbol on some trees, and I couldn’t get it out of my head even after waking. It’s not that I’m not used to strange things on my dreams, but I keep feeling I’ve seen this one somewhere, and I can’t really guess where. In the dream, it stood for nature, nature’s power, or something along the way.

The symbol itself is an X, with it’s two upper edges connected by a horizontally-stretched O - the whole thing inside a circle. Something like this:

`....----------....` ..-.` `.-.. `.--` `--.` ...` `... `.` `.` `-. `........--------------.........` .-` .- -/-```` ````-/` -. -. `---.---.....................---.:-` .- -. `..` ````````````` .-` .- -. `.. ..` .- `/ `.. `.` /` :` `.. `.` `: / `.. `.` / `: `.. `.` :` :` `.. `.` `: -. `--. .- / `.``.. / / `.. `.. / -. `-` `.. .- / `.. `.. / .- `.. `.. -. .- `-. `.. -. `- `.. `.. -` `-` `.. `.` `-` .- ` `` -. `.` `.. ... ... `... ...` ...--` `--... `.....-..-.....`

If you recognize this (or similar) please tell me what it is. If not, I’d be glad if you could share some thoughs about what it looks like to you.

SPOILER - Click to view

For me, it looks like a cup of sorts, a chalice or a bowl.

Edit: I know the ASCII art above sucks. Copy & paste into notepad and it will look better. :tongue:

Yes, i have seen it in this dream. (link) In that dream, it was used to mark directions and places of interest. If i remember correctly, this would mean water straight ahead. It was a long dream where i was taught many different markings, and i can’t remember all of them anymore.

For me it looks like an hourglass :tongue: its a symbol of the time perhaps, Im bad on these things :shy:

Perhaps you better ask yourself, and let the answer come.

I think it’s Quite amazing that siiw has seen the same symbol in a dream of hers as well :eek:

I have seen a “nature” symbol in a dream a few months ago, it was said this was the “earth” symbol (?) of the navaho tribe (or another one, i’d have to check my DJ). the symbol in that dream was different from yours, but it too, was in a circle.

and then it had horizontal and vertical lines. Hard to describe, or ascii.

I wonder who else saw your symbol!

Looks like a rune sign to me.

Siiw, thank you very much for the answer. I knew that if someone could help, it was here on ld4all! Do you think there’s any chance we’ve seen this symbol on waking life and transferred it to our dreams? If you, by any chance, remember something else about it, please post here and I’ll make sure to reply. :smile:

GHOSTIE11, it sure looks like an hourglass. But being “closed” on the upside, and “open” at the bottom, it gives me an idea of asymmetry. But a symbol of time would indeed match well with the ‘nature’ concept. Hmmm… I have to give this some thought… :grin:

Mew151, wise words. I normally do that, but in this case the whole thing seemed too alien, and I thought some outside help would do me good. But I didn’t go for it before having thought it myself for a whole day. Thanks anyway!

Q, amazing isn’t? As I said above, I knew ld4all was THE place to pose the Question. Thank you for this amazing sanctuary! :twirl:
BTW, I can’t ASCII myself, so I made this ugly drawing on Paintbrush, and got a little help from ( ).

Aks, yeah, it resembles a rune really. Do you know any specific rune that is similar? Hmmm, one thing popped to my mind now: runes have different meanings depending on the way they’re draw, right? Hmmm, what would this sigil look like if inverted:

`.------------.` .----` `----. `.--` `--.` `.-. .-.` ..` `.. .-` . `` `-. `-` `-. `.. `-` .-` `-. `.. `-. .- `-. `.. -. .- `-. `.. -. / `-. `.. / -. `-. `..` .- / `-. `..` / / `-.`..` / -. `--. .- :. `..` `-. .: `/ `..` `-` /` / `..` .-` / :` `..` .-` `: `/ `..` .-` /` -. `..` .-` .- -. `..` `````````````` .-` .- -. `-----------.............--------:-` .- .-` -/-````` `````-/` `-. `-. `.....-...--------------.........` .-` .-` `-. ...` `... `.--` `--.` .--.. ..--. `.---------------..`

A lake or sea behind two tilted trees? Ouch, way harder to define this way. Thanks for the help!

This one’s the most similar I could find.

Actually, I thought it looked like the Gebo rune. “gift” or “generosity”

I’ve been having earthy dreams too, lately. Nothing quite like hugging a dream of turf and feeling the richness of the loam sink up into your bones.

All right! Althought I don’t find that much visual similarity between the sigil and the mentioned runes, I’m sure they’re related enough - else they wouldn’t be mentioned.

So that’s what the symbol seems to represent:

  • nature (my dream)
  • places of interest (Siiw’s dream)
  • time (ghostie’s suggestion)
  • property, inheritance, wealth, prosperity (Odal rune)
  • gift, generosity (Gyfu rune)

I guess that, if we could find a single concept that is somewhat related to each one above, we would have a name for our dream sigil :smile:

Ive been thinking of this and looked on the articles of the runes and came to that your symbol may contain a bit of each suggestion.

I hope that I can find this symbol in one of my dreams, im really curios of what that symbol means :tongue:

Ghostie, if you do find it, please come back and tell us all about it - it’s been in my mind for days and it just won’t let go! :tongue:

Tukkek: if it won’t let go, maybe “it” is trying to tell you something. Maybe you could try to relax, close your eyes, and then drift in your mind to the image of your sigil - and then invite it to tell you what it has to say to you - then be open to any impressions, feelings, images, thoughts, and so on, let it all happen- and then write down afterwards what you received.

Q, I’ve meditated on it a few times now, but the only true feeling I get is that the sigil is devoid of meaning. That’s why I created this post - to see if anything “sounded right” or ranged a bell. The fact that Siiw has dreamt about it too was the only thing that did (not sure why, but I had a feeling an answer like hers would come), but it leaves me on the same ground nonetheless.

I know this may sound crazy, but it’s almost like it’s enticing me to chase after what it’s supposed to mean.

Anyway, thanks for the good advice. Hope some more meditating/dreaming/research will eventually shed some light on the matter. If it does, I’ll be sure to write it here :smile:

And I can’t get tired of saying this: thank you for this wondrous common Quarters for the dreamers!

That made me think it means, “What is mu?” (a koan) :tongue:

Could also be a DNA helix, at a looong stretch of the imagination…

Hmmm… the symbol looks oddly familiar… I just can’t place it. Knowing that the symbol had something to do with nature, I had a hunch. I looked up Druidic Symbols and found this:
Nothing really looked too close to the symbol in your dream, and there wasn’t anything that looked too similar, although you could look at it to see if anything “rings a bell”.
By the Way… I have seen the word Avalon in the URL in one of my dream before. I was looking at a map and saw a place called, “The Kingdom of Avalon”.

Hmm. I think the bars may be a sign of protection from the outside world, and the circle on top a sanctuary. Perhaps the whole symbol means ‘protection’, perhaps you wanted to protect the tree. This is interesting. :woo:

EllyEve, what does “What is mu?” means? Is it a search for meaning? What is a koan?

When you said,

I thought it might be like a specific kind of meditation, in which a master meditator will ask his acolyte a question. This question can only be answered correctly by “Buddhic knowledge” not intellectual analysis, so the acolyte will ponder this question in deep meditation. The master should be able to tell by the answer, not if the answer was correct, but if the acolyte got the answer from the correct place.

Some famous examples of these questions or “koans”, are

  • What is the sound of one hand clapping?
  • What was your face before you were born?
  • What is mu?

The last one annoys me because it’s a gibberish syllable in a foreign language that I couldn’t possibly grasp the connotations of-- and the word itself was probably crafted specifically to mean nothing. :tongue: