ND Challenge #1

So, I only have to dream about something to do with water…until wednesday?

Does rain also count as a watery adventure? :grin:

I wanted to kinda ease into it a bit. Choose something specific that has something to do with it. You also have your personal challenge…

I’d count it. That is what I was planning.

Hehe, because rain in dreams are different to rain IRL, but it was a while I experienced rain in a dream :peek:

Huh, I like the sound of a rainy dream as well. Lets see how this turns out.

I don’t remember having rain in my dreams. :eh:

I’ll go for a body of water … ocean or river.

Yeah, I’ve only had rain once or twice in my dreams that I can remember. I am listening to RainyMood.com to help, hehe. :tongue:

When we incubate, is there any specific level of detail you expect us to work with, and should we post incubation?

Um, it’s really up to you, how you incubate it. If you want to post the Incubation you can. One thing I would like to know is if you feel you were successful with the incubation or not.

Right… I had two dreams last night!

One of them didn’t exactly have water in it, but I was in a hurry to finish building a fence because rain was on the way! :content: So… I techincally don’t feel this is a full blown watery induced dream. But 2 dreams to my score!

No rain in my dreams what I can remember :uh:

Dreams recalled too poorly to be given any points :razz:

Well, I recalled a fragment and a dream last night, no water though. It was raining outside when I woke up at night. I’ll get it posted later, maybe in a few minutes.

By the way, before the competition started I had a dream about it. Does that count for anything? :tongue:

I had 2 NDs and a chained short LD last night. I haven’t really tried chaining that much before so yay.

You sure that their not worth the points?

Haha I had a dream about the Challenge the night before it too. I don’t think we can count them. :tongue:

Heh, I had a good one last night, will post in my DJ shortly.

Basically I was water skiing, in the rain…in a flooded cave. Very, very fast! Just without the boat, or tow rope, or even skis for that matter.

[edit]Posted: Big Creepy Monster Thing With Fangs?

Dreamjutsu, I remember nothing of that dream, except that I never saw any water in it :razz:

No dreams recalled :sad:

Maybe because I had only 5 hours of sleep :tongue:

:thumbs: good one YSIM

Just one dream with no water in it.

Ok so so far this is how the points stand so far for day 1. :grin:
Please make sure I tallied them correctly. If you have any questions please ask.


  1. Dreamjutsu…45
  2. Hexaditidom…
  3. moogle…10
  4. GHOSTIE11…0
  5. Carnun…20
  6. Ysim…40 Congratulations on completing the first goal so fast :partying_face:
  7. Kirbypowered…20
  8. TheChris…0
  9. Mugiwara…[/spoiler]
    Do you all want me to do daily scores, or should It just be every few days?

@Hexaditidom & Mugiwara
You have yet to post you dream count for the day, as soon as you do I will add it to your respective scores. :content:

Once a day seems best. Lets us see who’s in the lead so far :smile:

I agree!!

I had two dreams last night - but nothing watery… unless you count the cup of coffee that distracted me - the bar that I was in… which probably had water it it :tongue: The funny thing is, I didn’t recall the dream until I was taking a shower this morning!

Well done Yves on the dream!! Very nice dream too - when do we vote?