ND Challenge 2 - Winner: Moogle

The Scoreboard as of the end of Task 5

  1. Eilatan 250 + 11 ND’s + 4 tasks + 1 chain + 1 fragment= 530
  2. Mew151 370 + 2 ND’s + 1 task = 430
  3. Scipio Xaos 105 + 7 ND’s + 3 fragments + 1 task + 1 late task = 255
  4. moogle 75 + 6 ND’s + 1 fragment + 1 task + 1 late task = 205
  5. Limitles80 + 2 ND + 1 LD = 120
  6. GHOSTIE11 25 + 2 ND + 1 LD = 65
  7. OlegEqualzName 1 LD + 1 fragment = 25
  8. Togro 20

Two ND’s, niether about books. The first had to do about cleaning the toilet since my mum wouldn’t do it properly. The second had to do about seeing the lights on the Harbor Bridge, and a contest to see who would sink fastest after the consumption of various amounts of wine. I figured the person who drank the most would sink slowest, since they would be more “bubbly”.

Had a fragment where I got lucid by getting my hands through a wall, dont remember more than that though :razz:

three dreams, no books :sad:

What is wrong with me?! D; I thought that by participating in this I would boost my recall and all, but since that last entry I haven`t written in anything because I just couldnt be bothered… ugh… =C

SPOILER - Click to view


one dream
me dream of mafia wars? :whistle:

/me is very tempted to mod edit the hidden message above and add a :truit: :smile:

I had a dream of which I was in Africa and some others who were there summoned me to a hotel room :unsure:

3 ND’s which can be found here. No books, but food. >_< And other than that, pretty long quest like dreams which mixed another bunch of popular culture. :razz:

Task 7 - Music

Music defines so much of our culture nowadays and has found itself in some places in our everyday lives. Music is even sometimes used to define our emotions, to help calm us, or keep us focused on homework at 4:30AM :tongue: Listen to a song (or at least part of one) in your dreams to complete this task.

Ah not needed… I had a WILD tonight which I recorded.

I was at house, I fly around, intentioaly crash, rob a house of clothes, decide to attempt shape shifting, with help off clothes try to transform into a girl. Was troublesome because of lack of the 5 senses… Then Im at dark building (still with 3/4 transformation), see a tv with ads. I read it, notice missing letters, spelling mistakes. Reminded of NDC but couldnt remember what it was, later, after I mistakingly woke up myself because I thought i was oversleeping, I managed to express -WILD back and remembered the quest, but then really woke up.

I also recorded 1 fragment on 14th-16th, and a another reasonable WILD on the 13th (friday)
It`s not that I store them, it seems my intrests were far higher on LDs than on recall. I stopped that though and will WRITE ALL DREMZ RAWR!!

Therefore, Moogle, if you notice me slacking again, beat me up with your fish all you want. :smile:

/me rubs my eyes

Tired ND about returning to exchange and waking early enough for my cousin. Probably the reason I’m so tired even though I got nearly all the sleep I needed. /me yawns loudly

close … but not close enough :tongue:

Dreams about a song keeper … a birth … and green crystals.

One fragment and one ND. The fragment had to do with family or so, not too sure. The second had a “part” of a song. I was trying to play House of the Rising sun on guitar, and decided to get Xander and a friend named David to help me. They both played the song differently, but neither sounded right and when I tried to correct them, they thought I was just being funny. >__<

5 ND’s and 1 LD completed the task about gifts a little behind :razz:

One dream and one fragment … no success with the tasks.

Had an ND where I saw trams that looked like Pågatågen but they had their correct destinations and had the littera M33 :razz:

:meh: Two ND’s today… More like one nightmare and one ND. Both were really long ass and had music in them. The first had a song that blared out of speakers and led to my best friend getting killed by Voldemort (ironically, that was Xander), but I was given a redo which just led to me having to escape a pack of Volde’s followers. Second had be and a few people showing Dr Cox we could play guitar. Our first song had “stairway to heaven”, then I proved I could play “house of the rising sun” and the third song…

Actually, I think I will type these up, will post link when done.

Edit: These crazy dreams can be found here

Task 8 - Cyberization

Technology is ever advancing and we may soon find ourselves in the world of Ghost in the Shell, where having a nearly entirely robotic body is nothing out of the normal. Or maybe we’ll be able to plug in to the internet directly and let our conscious minds wander it like another reality. Perhaps it will be less obtrusive, perhaps more. So let’s see what our subconscious minds can piece together about a possible future with some high technology that may redefine humanity. Dream of cyborgs, androids, or virtual realities existing inside a computer.

One ND about teaching people why they were all having nightmares, and the fact that it wasn’t related to one kid giving it to them.

Task 9-Touch the sky!

Touch the sky, in some way. Feel the upper atmosphere on your skin. Run your fingers through the clouds. Do the ‘impossible’. Any interacting with the sky will be accepted, however I will be strict that flying IN the cabin of an airplane does not count, as you are not physically touching the sky yourself.

This task, for it’s difficultly will be worth an additional 20pts (60 total) if you complete it on time.
Next and final task: Saturday.
Scores: Coming momentarily