ND Challenge 2 - Winner: Moogle

The Scoreboard as of the end of Task 8

  1. Eilatan 530 + 10ND’s + 1 late task + 1 fragment + 1 task = 700
  2. Mew151 430
  3. moogle 205 + 8 ND’s + 1 fragment = 290
  4. Scipio Xaos 255
  5. Limitles120 + 5 ND’s + 1 LD + 1 late task = 215
  6. OlegEqualzName 25 + 3 LD’s + 1 chain + 1 fragment = 95
  7. GHOSTIE11 65+ 1 fragment + 2 ND’s = 90
  8. Togro 20

Dream recall is really poor, so I only have the knowledge that zrvera was in last night’s dream (and so due to the game it was probably a wolfgame dream).

Don’t forget guys, you can still pass votes. They could still sway the results…hinty hint hint!

Good luck! :content:

Are you encouraging us to nobble Eilatan? :rofl:

Two dreams last night. Nothing task related.

I’ll edit in … baby dream (one of the early tasks) last night, just about to post now.


Task 4. Pan of cooked food.

Task 5 - Ooh Shiny, Shiny Gemstones. Crystals and stones.

Task 6 - Hit the Books! There was a big focus in the dream about the book placement on the bed.


food: crusty bread and stuff

edit for Sunday … few more dreams posted.

Task 10 - The Power Hour

Anything and everything, do it! For this round, any previous task will count.
Gifts, Babies, Shooting Stars, Food, Gemstones, Books, Music, Cyberization, and/or Touching the Sky. Multiple tasks in the same dream DO count individually (eg: a dream of books and shooting stars would count as two tasks)
Good luck!

I will announce scores and the closing time on this task and the challenge in total sometime later; I’m about to head out for a Super Bowl party.

This dreamthe other night :tongue:

2 food dreams … goes to type them up now.

LOTS of dreams featuring tasks, I will type them up now and then edit with the amount.


giving nana a Ring … gem stone, gift

Boy in the Browser … food

The Calendar … baby

Here Be Gems … gem stones

My dreams hate me. Had a ND to do with me driving my sisters semi-trailer. There was a part where I ran past a baby daycare, and drove past a McDonalds with the intention of getting food, but of course I neither saw a baby nor food so they don’t count. D=

My dreams be trollin. :woah:

The Scoreboard as of the end of Task 9

  1. Eilatan 700 = 700
  2. moogle 290 + 9 ND’s + 5 late task + 1 fragment = 510
  3. Mew151 430
  4. Scipio Xaos 255
  5. Limitles 215
  6. OlegEqualzName 95
  7. GHOSTIE11 90
  8. Togro 20

Task 10 will close during the night Friday. That is, any dreams had during the night will count, and Saturday is your last chance to post dreams for points. Naps during the day Saturday will not count. By Saturday night I will have the scores tallied and posted and a winner announced, so please don’t be late posting dreams.

Two ND’s remembered, which can be read here. The second one had both food and music in it. x_X

Books and a ‘baby’ (depends if it had to be a human baby or not). Missed out on the food because I never saw inside the canteen. :tongue:

link to post

The Final Scoreboard

  1. moogle 510 + 7 Tasks + 11 ND’s + 1 Fragment = 905
  2. Eilatan 700 + 3 tasks + 3 ND’s = 850
  3. Mew151 430
  4. Scipio Xaos 255
  5. Limitles 215
  6. GHOSTIE11 90 + 1 ND = 100
  7. OlegEqualzName 95
  8. Togro 20

Voting is theoretically open…but I doubt any of you will, so I will go ahead and proclaim:
[size=167]:mog: Moogle, the NDC2 winner! :moogle:[/size]

Congratulations, Moogle!

Though if this was during summer, I would have gotten a better score. :razz:

Congratulations Moogle! Now you get to try your new ideas out on the next challenge.

Too bad my sister woke me out of my dreams and everyone else got an extra day, otherwise I may have won :razz:

bows :grin:

Personally I feel it is a joint win with eilatan since she did so well when the various tasks were newly out. So we have decided to co-host the next challenge which should be fun. It will commence as soon as we get enough dreamers signed up for it.

ND Challenge 3