I had a dream where I found enchanted arrows from the founder of a tribe!
Last nights dream was about riding a night train and a weird norwegian town
One ND today, about work.
Todays ND was about getting along again with an old friend, something about travelling out from town etc.
So, my dreams from yesterday were late as there has been a lot going on for me, in particular me being sick. However, my dream journal list is updated. I don’t know if I completed any tasks, but the dream I had for 12-27-13 I think may accomplish some of the tasks. I found a prophetic pillow, and I also used silver bullets to put down a werewolf. I’ll let you decide after reading the dream if any of those count for any of the tasks.
Dream of night to 29th december was that I was on my way to sing, I crossed several railways and passed norwegian places and ended up outside the building where I and some other sang, someone in an apartment started to sing also and it went well, then the dream changed and I was in a school trying to find my way back out, but the staff was not very helpful and hard to understand
[center]Task 4
Masters of Magic[/center]
After having been to faraway places, seen mythical creatures, and used extraordinary objects, you might have gained a taste for magic. Now, it is time to use magic yourself. Your goal is to perform some kind of magic, by casting a spell, or any other similar sort of action.
You have one week to complete the task. Good luck!
The scores as of the end of Task 3 will be posted tomorrow.
Week 4
SPOILER - Click to view
31.12 Task 1 and 2 done Dinos and the setting they were in(2 NDs + 2 fragments)
1.1 Nothing magical yet (1 ND)
2.1 Task 3 done? Alien gun (1 ND + 1 fragment)
3.1 Nothing magical yet (3 NDs + 1 fragment)
4.1 and 5.1 Task 1 and 2 done. Future and a city built on top of a robot that awakened. (1 ND + 5 fragments)
6.1 No tasks done (ND + fragment)
One LD, posted it in my journal due to the reason it is easier to keep track of my LD’s if they are posted there instead.
Scores as of the end of Task 3:
- Letaali 605 + 15 ND + 1 LD + 10 Fragment + 1 Task + 1 Late Task + Quality of Recall = 915
- HeadInTheClouds 495 + 10 ND + 1 LD + 2 Fragment + 2 Chain + 1 Task + 1 Late Task + Quality of Recall = 710
- Fate 342 = 342
- moogle 215 + 10 ND + Quality of Recall = 335
- Lumessence 150 + 2 ND + Quality of Recall = 200
- Siiw 50 + 3 ND + 2 Task = 180
- Ghosteh 100 + 4 ND = 140
- geekboy 105 = 105
- Sandra
- CaptainBee
This week, Lumessence gets 30 points, Letaali gets 25 points, moogle gets 20 points, and HeadInTheClouds gets 10 points for quality of recall.
Here is my Week 4 postings.
For the LD from 1-01-14, there may have been many tasks accomplished. I don’t know if tasks are repeatable, but if they are, than I think I accomplished multiple ones. I leave it to your discretion. I went to a foreign planet, met “aliens,” destroyed buildings with the flick of a wrist, and used magical objects such as a mushroom (the kind from the mario games).
2 recorded NDs since the last post. The craziness at work should be over now so numbers should go up soon
A hitman used a small white gun that shot white sticky explosives that grew and took the shape of an alien head. Does that count for task 3?