Last nights ND was about someone who did prank-kick me from a WG-channel in IRC
In the dream Transformers take over the World from 1-03-13, I believe I accomplished some of the tasks, but I’m not sure.
There was a fragment from last night that I didn’t feel like putting in my dream journal. I don’t want to go into details, as the dream was rather embarrassing, but I completed my personal goal as I was a superhero and I believed I was that superhero for part of the dream.
4 NDs and a fragment. Nothing task related this time.
I’ve been thinking about my last post, and I decided that dream fragment shouldn’t count for completing my personal goal, as I am not hundred percent sure what happened in the dream. However, my dream from last night conveniently met the definition of my personal goal, and what do you know, it would be the Hulk that I turn into. I completed my personal goal in the dream from 1-05-14 titled The Hulk Returns.
Yes, it counts.
Tell me which tasks you think you accomplished, and I can tell you whether they count or not.
Okay, understood. Congratulations on completing your goal, and you may select a new personal goal, if you wish.
One ND, about elevators, basements, water and needing to find a toilet
In the Transformers dream, I think I accomplished meeting a mythical creature, as transformers aren’t real and are supposed to be aliens. Also, I thought it may work for the third task, as I grabbed part of the transformer and ripped it off him, but it is kind of a stretch, so I didn’t know if that would count.
HeadInTheClouds, yes, that will count for those tasks.
The task will be posted very soon!
[center]Task 5
Flight to the Future[/center]
Now, it’s time to do something a little different. You might have wondered what things will be like in future times. Will everything still be the same? Will the world be so different that it will be unrecognizable? Will we have advanced new technologies, or will that knowledge have been lost to us?
Your goal is to travel through time to the future and see what it’s like. This is the last task of the challenge, so you have one week to complete it. After that, the winner will be announced! Have fun!
The scores as of the end of Task 4 will be posted tomorrow.
Had an ND last night about driving a car in the norwegian inland
Week 5
SPOILER - Click to view
7.1 Task 1 and 2 done. I had magical powers but didn’t get to use them. (1 ND + 1 fragment)
8.1 1 fragment
9.1 A long dream (1 ND+1 LD+fragment)
10.1 Task 2, saw a dying nightmare. (1 ND + 2 fragments)
12.1 Task 2 (red dragon) and Task 1 (LoL map, Summoner’s Rift) (2 NDs)
My week 5 post of dreams is in the spoiler tag below. I think I completed multiple tasks last night, 1-07-14. In the Waffle Girl dream, I saw a strange creature (task 2), and also the serum used to inject her and turn her into a waffle person (task 3). In fragment 2, I think I completed task 3 by using the T.A.R.D.I.S. In fragment 3, I was in some kind of videogame, so I think that might qualify for task 1. I want my new personal goal to be to meditate for at least a minute.
Week 5
Scores as of the end of Task 4:
- Letaali 915 + 9 ND + 10 Fragment + 5 Late Task + Quality of Recall = 1185
- HeadInTheClouds 710 + 10 ND + 3 LD + 5 Fragment + 1 RC + 1 Lucid Task + 3 Late Task + 2 Lucid Late Task + 1 Personal Goal + Quality of Recall = 1027
- moogle 335 + 10 ND + 1 Fragment + Quality of Recall = 460
- Fate 342 = 342
- Siiw 180 + 6 ND + 1 Fragment = 245
- Lumessence 200 = 200
- Ghosteh 140 + 2 ND + 1 LD = 175
- geekboy 105 = 105
- Sandra
- CaptainBee
This week, the quality of recall points go to moogle, who gets 20 points, and Letaali and HeadInTheClouds, who each get 5 points.
2 NDs, nothing task related.
3 NDs. They are all in my DJ, but they aren’t good.