So far we’ve had fire, ice, ghosts and speedy things. How about we calm down and just explore the dream world? The task is to see or visit a large, recognizable, fictional structure like Hogwarts, Death Star, Icecrown Citadel or Eye of Sauron.
To complete the fourth task:
-See or visit a large fictional structure from any book, movie, game or tv show.
Good luck
Scores as of the end of Week 3:
Bom 608 + 21 ND + 7 Fragment + 3 Late Task + 1 Task = 978
CaptainBee 695 + 7 ND + 6 Fragment + 1 Task = 845
James_UK2008 307 + 8 ND + 3 Fragment + 3 LD + 2 RC + 2 Personal Goal + 2 Personal Goal (lucid) + 4 Late Task = 621
obfusc8 290 + 6 ND + 3 Fragment + 1 Late Task + 1 RC = 392
Last night I had a dream about ordering pommes (fries) in a dutch restaurant which cost 99€ and that the cashier needed a swedish person who lived in the Netherlands for some years to translate what I said to the cashier also, there was something about a weird roller coaster
[spoiler][MAY 10]1 ND and 2 fragments. [MAY 11]1 ND and 1 fragment. [MAY 13]1 ND and 1 fragment. [MAY 14]1 ND and 1 fragment. Personal goal completed! I owned my very own Chespin and Vanillite! Odd combination, but I’m not complaining. [MAY 15]2 NDs and 2 fragments.
Not much into this challenge due to many things, but I got a nice LD here that has its charm, still it gives me some motivation to write down my dreams by participating here
It’s time for the fifth and final task. I’ve experienced a few very memorable dreams where I’m not on the planet Earth so for that reason the task is to visit space and for example a foreign planet.
To complete the fifth task:
-Leave Earth. For this task you have to fly to space, teleport to a foreign planet etc. The travel method has to be written in the dream.
Good luck
Scores as of the end of Week 4:
Bom 978 + 18 ND + 7 Fragment + 3 Late Task = 1268
CaptainBee 845 + 7 ND + 8 Fragment + 1 Personal Goal = 980
James_UK2008 621 + 2 ND + 6 Fragment = 671
obfusc8 392 + 13 ND + 3 LD + 2 Fragment + 1 Late Task + 1 Late Task (lucid) + 2 RC + 20 Quality of Recall= 636
I edited one of my previous nights dreams, changed it from a fragment to a ND - “Iron Man is Dead”. When I thought about it during the day it was a lot more detailed than when I first woke up.
Quite unexpectedly finished my personal goal last night… Was in a Viking village, watching them make drums. Was completely not what I had imagined or planned for if I got lucid. (I watch a lot of stuff like Boardwalk Empire, Musketeers etc and figured some of those historic times would make fun dream settings - plus I would have expected a dream with Vikings to be more… bloodthirsty! )
Guess I should have been more specific.
Anyways, new goal is to learn martial arts from a master.
Kinda odd vikings indeed. Nice job with the personal goals so far. Congrats on the lucid dreams and good recall as well. I’ve updated your personal goal.
[spoiler][MAY 19]4 NDs! [MAY 20]5 NDs. I’m pretty sure I completed the current task last night as I crash landed onto an alien planet. [MAY 23] Just 1 ND, but it was still pretty cool, being a sidekick and everything.