ND Challenge 8: Congratulations Bom!

2 more ND’s, with no tasks done (I think).

Waiting… - one ND

edit 22nd

Hidden Places - one ND

Alright! The NDC 8 is over! I’ll give everyone 12 hours to post any dreams that they had before this was posted. Thank you all for participating. I hope everyone had fun competing and improving their recall. :smile:

Final Scores

  1. Bom 1268 + 12 ND + 16 Fragment + 4 Late Task = 1568
  2. CaptainBee 980 + 10 ND + 1 Task + 1 Late Task = 1155
  3. obfusc8 636 + 18 ND + 1 LD + 5 Fragment + 2 Late Task + 1 Personal Goal = 931
  4. James_UK2008 671 + 9 ND + 4 LD + 3 RC + 4 Fragment + 1 Personal Goal= 872
  5. Mew151 359 + 6 ND + 1 Late Task= 444
  6. moogle 205 + 5 ND= 255
  7. Hillatoppa 121 + 0 = 121
  8. paual 72 + 0 = 72
  9. Ghosteh 25 + 0 = 25
  10. mr_block 10 +0 = 10
  11. Starry

No one received bonus points this week.

[center]Congratulations to the winner
of ND Challenge 8,

In total Bom had 82 NDs, 4 LDs and 46 Fragments :smile:

And thank you to all of the contestants for participating! The winner gets to host the next challenge or pass it on to the runner up.

Edit: Some stats from the NDC 8. In total there was 296 dreams (22 were LDs) and 142 fragments.

Thanks Letaali for running the challenge it was good fun and great motivation to improve my recall. And although I didn’t manage many of the tasks it gave me some cool ideas for future goals.

Congratulations Bom! That’s an impressive amount of dreams.

And thanks to the other participants, some very amusing, weird, crazy dreams that I enjoyed reading from you all.

I was thinking that too.

Congrats Bom :yay:

Yay! You all had some impressive dreams too! Thank you :happy:

Bom said on the IRC that she does not want to host so it’s now for CaptainBee to decide if she wants to host or not.

I’m sad to report that I won’t be able to host the next ND challenge since I’ll be leaving in 3 weeks for camp which will unfortunately last all summer.

I’m really sorry, but it’ll have to be someone else. :sad:

Alright, obfusc8, your turn. Do you want to host?

Sure. I don’t mind giving it a go. :cool: