ND Challenge 9 - Winner - Ysim!

For the duration of the NDC, I will be updating this post to include all the NDs/LDs that I have for the NDC.

Week 1/Task 1

[spoiler]5th July - 1 ND
6th July - 2 Fragments + 2 NDs
7th July - 1ND - Shapeshifted into Anthro Shark as per shapeshfting goal
8th July - 1 ND
9th July - 1 ND
10th July - 1 ND
Week 2/Task 2

[spoiler]12th July - 3 NDs
14th July - 2 Fragments + 2NDs (was about to do an RC in #4. Technically shapeshifted in #1 but don’t want points for it as I felt it was too fragmented/not vivid enough)
15th July - 1 ND
17th July - 1 LD - Started shapeshifting into a Dragon
18th July - Really not sure on claiming points for shapeshifting into Bowser as it didn’t feel that vivid/visceral enough.[/spoiler]
Week 3/Task 3

[spoiler]20th July - 1 Fragment + 1 ND
21st July - 1 ND
23rd July - 3 NDs
24th July - 2 NDs
25th July - 2 Fragments[/spoiler]
Week 4/Task 4

[spoiler]26th July- 1 ND
27th July - 1 LD - Nearly shapeshifted into anthro Rhino
28th July- 2 NDs + 1 LD
29th July - 3 ND’s + Completed personal goal by becoming Killer Croc from Batman - Arkham Asylum
30th July - 2 NDs
31st July - 4 NDs
Week 5/Task 5

[spoiler]1st August - 1 Fragment + 1 ND
2nd August - 1 ND + 1LD + Completed personal goal by being transformed into the “Gillman” from “Creature from the Black Lagoon”
4th August - 1 ND
5th August - 2 NDs + Comepleted personal goal by becoming Naga in #2
6th August - 3 NDs
7th August - 2 NDs
8th August - 1 ND[/spoiler]

Week 1

SPOILER - Click to view

5.7 2 NDs + 3 Frags - no task yet, but I thought about sky diving.
6.7 1 ND + 4 Frags + 1 Task - Task done. Exploring some ruins on a vacation.
7.7 2 Frags - Bad recall :sad:
8.7 3 NDs + 1 Task + 2 RCs - Makes me sad that I didn’t become lucid. :meh:
9.7 2 NDs + 2 Frags + 1 Task - traveled a bit further away this time.
10.7 1 ND + 4 Frags
11.7 3 NDs + 2 Frags

Week 1

SPOILER - Click to view

July the 5th - ND Vacation
July the 6th - DILD
July the 7th - 2 NDs
July the 8th - ND
July the 9th - Fragments
July the 10th - Lucid Nightmare Loop + a ND
July the 11th - 2 Fragments

Guess I’m going to post too, because that’s what we’re supposed to do :meh: .

Week 1

SPOILER - Click to view

5th of July, 2 NDs, no holiday dreams yet D: .

Cheers everyone. You can post here or just tag the dreams in your journal, either is fine. :cool:

@James_UK2008 - The challenge started 13:00 (1pm) on the 4th. Looks like the dreams on the 4th were from the morning before that so I’m not going to include them in the scores, unless that was an afternoon nap?

@En’enra - Grats, vacation already, nice work!

Apologies. I saw that the challenge started on the 4th July so I made the assumption of including July 4ths ND. (Timezone differences might have contributed as well) :razz:

2 Vacation ND’s, and some fragments after repetitive FA’s. I could have sworn I wrote my dreams down 4 times this morning! I believe all the fragments I recall after the FA’s are part of the same dream, so I count them as 1 single fragment.

No holidays … I was back at school! :thud:

2 dreams

  1. Loco Parentis
  2. The Way

2 more ND’s last night, nothing special.

[edit]Monday the 7th, cat burst into bedroom at 5am meowing “SUN’S UP, I’M UP!” Recall lost due to cat on head syndrome. Only some fragments about water skiing through the internet survived, will count as 1 Fragment.

3 dreams… no holidays.
‘Healthy’ Competition.
The Unseen.

:rofl: shame I didn’t get a holiday vibe from the Unseen dream. On writing it up, it reminded me of the horror films when someone is on holiday and enters the village pub. :tongue:

1 ND last night. Grew black feathered angel wings and flew around. :dingy:

Will type it up when I get out of work tonight.

[edit]Dream typed, link added.

[edit] Wednesday the 9th 1 ND. No vacation, we didn’t quite get to the honeymoon. :tongue:

[edit] Thursday the 10th 1 ND. No vacation, just motorcycle riding out the end of the world.

Only just saw this edit… :rofl:

Right, I hope I got everything…

Letaali is firmly in the lead with several vacations and consistently long detailed dreams. 20 bonus points awarded for quality recall.

Ysim also had a couple of holidays and some very entertaining dreams. Additional 10pts for recall [size=59](and awesome motorbike dreams)[/size].

En’enra hugs I’ve given you points for all the RCs during that horrible nightmare. Very detailed recall overall. +10pts.

James_UK2008 also recalled several long dreams and managed a Anthro-Shark transformation for personal goal points. +10pts.

Edit: moogle averaged more than 1 dream a night. Nice. +5pts

Week 1 Scores (detailed breakdown of points via this link)

  1. Letaali 379
  2. Ysim 195
  3. En’enra 185
  4. James_UK2008 115
  5. Moogle 85
  6. Bom 55
  7. TheUnknownDream 10
  8. Fate 0

[center]Task 2 - Mythical Races

What is the fascination with dragons and mythical beasts all the time… Why is it always the animals that get all the attention? What about all those humanoid races - Elves and Orcs, Twi’leks and Wookiees, Klingons and Vulcans, House Elves and Half Giants…

Your task this week is to meet a person of a humanoid mythical race or a humanoid alien. The only restriction is that it must not an animal. A dragon is not what we’re going for here, but a person with a dragon head… yeah that’s perfect. It doesn’t have to be something from films/books etc, it could be a brand new race of your own invention, as long as it’s humanoid, living and sentient.

You don’t have to chat with them if they’re hostile, seeing (or being, for you transformation fans) is enough.

I like the second task. I hope I get to visit the Moors, Teldrassil or the frozen planet in my search for mythical races :grin:

3 last dreams for the first challenge.
Return to Sender
Return Route
Son Returns

Nice work! Moves you up to 5th place. Scores have been updated. :smile:

Just a fragment last night. Nothing spectacular to report :tongue:

I like this new task, fantasy ND’s are always fun :content:

While browsing IMDb, I recalled that I didn’t write one fragment from last night in my online DJ.

Scores updated. :cool:

Just letting you know that I’ve submitted 2 NDs for the 9th and 10th. (1 for each day) They technically fall under week 1/task 1.