ND Challenge 9 - Winner - Ysim!

Week 2

SPOILER - Click to view

12.7 4 NDs - Great recall
13.7 1 ND + 2 Frags + 1 Late Task - I was staying in a hotel on a vacation.
14.7 1 ND + 1 Task - Encounter with a Thern, like the ones in the movie John Carter.
15.-16.7 2 NDs + 6 Frags + 1 Task - I saw a flying female god
17.7 1 ND + 8 Frags - The demon was just a twisted human soul inside a woman.
18.7 1 ND + 2 Frags + 1 Late Task - on a vacation again. Felt like a foreign country.

Week 2

[spoiler]July the 12th - Fragment + Firegrass*
July the 13th - ND
July the 14th - Fragment
July the 17th - ND


SPOILER - Click to view

* I feel like I completed the ND task because the Elemental appeared in the normal part, although she stayed in the lucid part.

I love weekends.

5 ND’s - [2 current tasks + personal goal] - 1 fragment

Of the ND’s: One with Time Lords (wizard Time Lords, too!), One with and alien disguising itself as human, except it had a goldfish bowl (with a gold fish) for a head. And I rode a dolphin for my personal goal.

[edit]All dreams posted now.

Just a fragment last night (Saturday)
Impromptu Visit (fragment)

edit Sunday
Two dreams … I know there were three if I remember the last one, I will edit this post.

EDIT fragment Trampled

Books and Senses <-- first time I really recall smelling something in a dream
Yellow Evil

no other posts, so I will edit again (Monday)
2 dreams
Buchu Calendars

ditto - Tuesday now

3 dreams
Traffic Phobia Again
No Chance
Solicitor Essential

Nice daily recall moogle! :content:

Scores are updated

Sorry for the lack of updates, got a little busy with classwork.
Sunday the 13th: Fragment
Monday the 14th: Fragment
Tuesday the 15th (today) : 1 ND - Late task: Vacation.

That is, unless you want to count Arnold Schwarzenegger as a time traveling cyborg and call him a mythical fantasy race. :tongue: I mean, I did call him “Mr. Terminator”.
No, I’m not actually looking for the task points. In the dream, I was talking to him as the actor, not the character.

Dream will be typed up later today (after work).

[edit]Dream typed, link added.

A flying god probably counts for the task, but I’ll let you decide if a zombie counts, because isn’t that technically a human? Dunno…your call.

I’m not going to count zombies I’m afraid… They’re just living-impaired humans. Same for Vampires, Skeletons, etc.

I didn’t give James points for a werewolf either, as I consider that a human afflicted with Lycanthropy, not a different race.

I’ll give you points for a flying god though. :smile:

I had 2 dreams but at the moment can only remember 1 will edit if the other memory comes back.

Mercy Killing

:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

4 dreams and 1 fragment.
The Leap

They Know Me??? (fragment)

Over the past two nights:
2 LD’s (Both result from RC’s), 2 ND’s, 1 Fragment. No vacation, no mythical races, just Pokemon and Minecraft Creepers :tongue:

I had a third ND, but I decided not to post it. No tasks were completed and I don’t mind not getting recall points for it as I’m objecting to posting it in my DJ.

End of Week 2

Letaali maintains the lead with consistently detailed dreams. +10pts

moogle had daily recall and longer more detailed entries. Nice. +10pts.

Current Scores

  1. Letaali 729
  2. Ysim 489
  3. James_uk2008 294
  4. En’enra 280
  5. moogle 250
  6. Bom 55
  7. TheUnknownDream 10
  8. Fate 0

[center]Task 3 - Transport


This week is all about saving your legs and getting from A to B in style. Transport is essential in the modern world. We rely on cars, buses and trains to get to school, to work and of course, to get home again. Let’s mix it up a bit.

This week you’ll get points for each different type of transport you use while dreaming. E.g. you only get points for the first car, first boat, first horse. How many unique styles of travel can you come up with in the next 7 nights?

You can be a passenger or you can be the pilot, but you must actually get in/on the vehicle (or animal), not just see it. Also, just to clarify, walking, swimming, flying, etc, without a vehicle or animal doesn’t count for this task, sorry.

The task is not limited to mundane Earthly types of transport though: Try spaceships, dragons, mech suits, hover boards, or call in the giant eagles.

I had two ‘sleepy’ dreams last night… and one fragment. One involved a car ride but it was BEFORE the current challenge.

Full House
Car Crash!

late recall - Mafia Family Feud (fragment)

Oh god :happy: Cars have been giving me trouble in dreams lately, but alright. I just need to incubate being a passenger and everything’s fine.

Unless you get one like my Car Crash! dream. :tongue:

I had my Minecraft car/plane dream too early. :tongue:

1 ND last night (before the new task, but no tasks completed anyway). I will type it up. Sooner or later.

I know I’m slowly falling behind on my online dream journaling :thud:

Maybe you two should just avoid cars and take the bus! :tongue:

Yeah I was reading that one thinking damn, he’s gonna hate me… or possibly he’s hacked my computer… :wink:

Week 3

SPOILER - Click to view

19.7 1 ND + 1 LD - pretty crappy lucidity
20.7 1 ND + 3 Frags
21.-23.7 4 NDs + 8 Frags
24. and 25.7 1 ND + 4 Frags + 1 Task - car ride with dad

Fragment for yesterday. (I did recall a dream, but forgot to write it down and forgot most of it.)

Just awoke from a nap with 1 ND. Did a RC and gained lucidity, but woke immediately after. I don’t count this as a LD, but if you do :shrug:

[Edit]DJ fully up to date now. :content:

Week 3

[spoiler]July the 20th - ND
July the 22nd - Fragment LD + 2 ND
July the 23rd - Fragment
July the 25th - ND[/spoiler]