Just having a normal dream and then I heard ‘this is how to havd a lucid dream! Try out these two sleeping positions.’ One position was belly towards bed and the other was the opposite position. Wake up after 6 hours, look left then enter SP. After his directions I instantly woke up, looked left, closed my eyes then I had my first SP. I saw eyes coming out of walls and heard strange noises while my body was frozen solid but I told myself to calm down. It went pitch black for a few seconds then I woke up in a bed and skeletons were coming towards me. I jumped off and did the finger thru palm RC then said s*** it finally went thru. I shouted STOP! This is just a dream. Then bang, skeletons turned to army soldiers, extreme vividness and met my real spirit guide who is actually a girl. (im a guy). I lost my lucidity by looking at one thing for too long and forgetting to rub my hands. Not sure if this method will work again but it sure was a strange way to get lucid.
Cool ! Some WBTB/WILD combinaision. It’s interresting you heard that’s while dreaming.