You are just in time, Jer. The first task will be posted tomorrow (or later today, if you live in one of those fancy future timezone places, like Europe).
Jer has been added to the list. Obfusc8’s goal updated to “Create a persistent totem item”. (sound good?)
I realized it hasn’t explicitly been said, but I will allow you to claim Current Task points up to ~24 hours after the task ends, with the stipulation that the period of sleep in which you had the dream began prior to the task closing. For example, if the next task gets posted at midnight local time, but you had gone to sleep two hours before at 22:00 (10pm), completing the first task will still count as current, even though you really probably had the dream some hours after the task closed. Once you see the new task, you cannot complete the previous as ‘current’, so checking on a WBTB would change your current task for the night.
This ‘extension’ is not meant to grant you extra time, but merely to give some grace time to allow for different timezones and different routines. I don’t want “staying up to see the new task” to be the reason you’re sleep deprived at work on Thursdays. I do expect you to be reasonably consistent for each week, though. Don’t put off viewing the next task simply because the previous one was easier.
I’ll add this rule (officially) to the first post.
[i]Task 1: Future Technologies[/i] “I want to run, run, run to the Cities of the Future, take what I can, and bring it back home.”
[center]~Infected Mushroom[/center]The future is full of wonder and waiting to be created. You are all creative and imaginative people, I can’t wait to see what you bring back from the future. In this task I want you to interact with a technology that has not yet been invented (to your knowledge). Try to come to understand how it works and what it is used for. Be imaginative and see what clever thing your mind comes up with!
I’m sorry if I confused anyone with my last minute rule addition…Hopefully I can clarify a little.
obfusc8 - If you will be viewing each task the ‘morning’ after it is posted, I would count it as if the task duration is from morning to the following morning. Recall points for that time period would also follow suit. Specifically for the first task, if you count dreams recalled from the night before, I can’t really accept dreams recalled after the last task closes, if it closes while you’re asleep.
The intent of the rule was to effectively shift the task deadlines, not to grant extra time on either end. Ultimately, everyone should have the same number of days/nights to compete. By starting the next day, I’ll allow you to finish up on the next day at the end. I’m asking for some consistency, as I don’t want anyone to have an unfair advantage by viewing the task early and gaining an extra night of having that task on their mind. Obviously, this is relying pretty well on the honor system, so please play fair.
In hindsight, I realize it’s not a perfect system and there was probably a much better way to implement it.
Had an ND here this morning where I completed my personal goal of shapeshifting very nicely
Obfus8: Should we post our dreams for the night as individual posts? Just wondering to make score recording easier.
Summary: Week 1
[spoiler]5th June - 1 ND + Completed personal goal 6th June - 1 ND 7th June - 2 NDs + Completed personal goal 8th June - 4 NDs + 1 Fragment 9th June - 1 ND + 1 Fragment
[/spoiler] Week 2
The message hologram would be future technology but I only viewed it and didn’t realise it was future tech at the time… I will leave it to you whether to count it.
Last night I had 6 ND’s , which can be seen here… In one of the ND’s, I questioned whether I was dreaming or not, and started to write down my Dream Journal, before an ND started to give me heck.
Also, I censored my IRL friend’s names by just Writing the first inital (Eg. A, M, R , E)
I’m looking in particular for interaction with what would be considered future technology currently in real life. You don’t have to realize it in the dream.
Posting individually makes it easier for me to keep track of through the week, but a summary post makes double checking a final tally easier. Whichever method you use, so long as I know what expect, it’ll be ok. Posting direct links to relevant DJ posts and/or quoting the relevant snippets of the dreams also helps make the scoring easier. These are just suggestions though, so long as the relevant information is posted here (I may not read your DJ if you don’t post here that you had dreams).
I’m so glad I’m not too late for this. I need recall practice. I’d like to use this post for links to the journal entries (still the same journal from before, and the same goal).
If such structures count, I believe I completed task 2 here by visiting Petra, and if toys count, I feel like I used (although late) some futuristic toys in a dream here (specifically, I think about the connected sticks that unpack to a sphere that can be driven).
I would like to join this challenge if that’s ok.
Throughout my college career I greatly neglected my dreaming. Now that I’ve graduated I really want to get back into it. (I also find it really cool that this kept going since I started it forever ago)
Time to dust off the dream journal.
12. Dreamjutsu…DJ…ND:Dream of Dragons
LD: Talk with DCs
I had one fragment today, the 5th. About fighting zombies. I’ve been playing l4d2 just before bed for a week or 2.
I’ve decided just to do the count of dreams from the times the tasks are posted. Since the first few hours of sleep don’t normally contain any coherent dreams anyway, I’ll just WBTB to read the tasks and discount any completions before that.
I failed to find future technology, even in a LD. There was a book with pictures of book characters in them, but there was nothing more detailed than normal book illustrations, so I don’t claim that as a personal goal.
I will type up my dream journal tomorrow (was busy house hunting today). I have them on paper though.
I may have completed the challenge. Up to y’all to decide.
In one of the dreams there was a bathroom mirror that doubled as a large computer screen allowing me to continue a conversation with someone while getting ready for my day. One way video to me, 2 way audio. It also displayed weather and traffic info and acted as a mirror as well of course. It was out of place in the house as the house was older.
This tech tehnically exists currently but has not been brought to general consumer markets. I did not specfically incubate a fancy mirror just focused on future tech wanted to see what my mid would come up with. This was also the last dream of the night that I recall.
All in all I can say this challeenge definatly helped my dream recall already and I am stoked to continue.
I think the defense system I ran into last night counts for the task. Automated turrets, cannons that shoot massive yellow balls of energy, plasma gates.
I interacted with it by being shot and turning off the plasma gate. I also understood that the tech was used to automatically kill intruders.
Edit: took a nap, one more fragment and another dream where I killed two purple undead dragons using magic