[NDC-X]Normal Dream Challenge 10 - Congratulations Letaali!

Had 2 LDs here today. Although there was elements of shapeshifting as per my goal, I don’t feel that it was visceral enough to claim points for.

1ND + 1FLD In the normal dream I controlled Gandalf and cast magic bolts at humanoid opponents. (‘Knew’ it was a game and it happened while controlling the character as a DO, not via a screen/keyboard)

During the false lucid, I noticed I had no trousers on and made them appear using magic. :shy:

Week 5

[spoiler]2/7/2015 - 2ND + 1Chain + 1LD + 1RC
3/7/2015 - 1ND
4/7/2015 - 2ND + 2LD + 1Chain + 1RC + false lucid task
5/7/2015 - 2ND
6/7/2015 - 2ND
7/7/2015 - 1ND + 1FLD + 1 task + 1 false lucid task[/spoiler]

07/07/2015 3 ND 3 FRAG

EDIT: The second ND was Chained.

This should be a good read! Did you meet any characters, or just perform the magic?

LD’s are only 2 points more than ND’s, so I will count an ND with a lucid moment as an LD. Fireballs sound like fun though :tongue:

Also, I am counting FLD’s as ND’s for this challenge. My logic being that I gave you a task that would make some people consider a dream completing the task to be a FLD. Also I am a benevolent lord. :tongue:

I cannot post the exact scores at the moment, but I would like to announce that Dreamjutsu was awarded 20 Bonus points last task for improving the quality of his recall.

At the moment, Letaali and Tggtt are VERY near each other in total points, closely followed by Obfusc8. Tonight could make all the difference.

@Ysim Should be :content: I didn’t have time to type it before. I’ll try to get caught up today.

Edit: Here is the magics dream: https://community.ld4all.com/t/art-of-the-dream/32643/65

Good luck to my opponents, I am busy and I am not being able to have awesome dreams. :yes:

Diff for Week 28

2015-07-07 Tuesday
1 ND.
1 Fragment.

Just wanting to ask. Does the dream on the 4th count as future tech? Though I guess the setting was more so in the future than the tech being from the future and in the present.
I definitely feel like the Jungle forest form the same dream qualifies for the Monuments late.
And this dream certainly gets the Magics task. :content:

Thanks for the judging and and awesome challenge. This one month alone has brought my dream recall back from nothing to up to 6 dreams a night. It hasn’t been like this since before college 4 years ago. Thanks. Here’s wishing everyone Sweet Dreams.

In the first dream I rewound time, stopped time and absorbed heat from my surroundings. That freezing ability is a new one for me, so I consider my personal goal done.

And sweet dreams to you as well, Dreamjutsu :smile: Thanks for the challenge Ysim!

Week 5

SPOILER - Click to view

2.7 3 NDs + 1 fragment
3.7 2 NDs + 1 task
4.7 Nada
5.7 2 NDs + 1 fragment
6.7 4 NDs+ 3 late tasks
7.7 1 ND
8.7 3 NDs + 1 fragment + 1 task + 1 personal goal

Only one normal dream. I blew up flowers with exotic energy, but that was future technology, not magic, and I have already done that task.

I’m not sure I see what you’re counting as future technology. The mentions of technology seemed to be more focused on magic powered technology, like some of the concepts in psionics/radionics. I’m not sure I can count that. I’ll count the magic, for using psychic abilities, and monuments for the holy jungle walk and such.
Admittedly, I read it very quickly this morning. I’ll have to take a second look later, after work.

And this is why I do it :content: I’ve always felt the best reward of the NDC is bettering your own recall and incubation. A little external motivation goes a long way. I only wish I could have been more active myself during the challenge.

Congrats on the personal goal!

Is this evil Siiw speaking? :scared:

Well, apparently I started the NDC on a Thursday post, so does my latest Wednesday post still count?

Wednesday Post

2015-07-08 Wednesday
1 Fragment.
1 LD | 1 FA LD.
4 NDs.
1 LD | another 1 FA LD.

Still very busy. During a nap, somehow I managed to transform a few objects by will and made a fairy appear because of it. My wish? Wake up! :bored: Because I was so busy that I needed to finish something before morning and I was afraid of oversleeping. Yes, it’s true.[/spoiler]

07/08/2015 3ND

@Ysim and I’ve decided that either way I don’t want points for the tech in the magic dream. It was tech from the time period the dream was set so not future. Of course I won’t say no to free points :tongue:

I have done this before. More than once. :ack:

I got a bit busy with work, class, and deadlines yesterday and forgot to post an official closing post here. :peek:
I am in the process of tallying scores, so expect a winner to be announced this evening (EDT).


1 ND here today.

:yay: :yay: :yay: Congratulations Letaali! :yay: :yay: :yay:

And congratulations to everyone else who improved their recall, accomplished goals, and/or had a lot of fun. Below are the final scores. The scoring spread sheet can be viewed on Google Drive here (although it is not the prettiest in browser). If you want to download it to view locally, or to use as a template for future NDC’s, I have uploaded 2 formats: Microsoft Excel 2007 (*.xlsx) | OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods)

90 Second Tutorial:
Each task is a different color. Along the top is the categories in which one can earn points and their point values above them. Each task has a Total at the end for the total points earned by each in that task period. The Current Total (first column, next to the names) is the sum of all task totals, thus final score. Everything along the bottom in dark blue is for calculation only, but corresponds to number of points earned in each category per each task.


Final Scoresboard:

  1. Letaali 1462
  2. Tggtt 1426
  3. Obfusc8 1138
  4. Dreamjutsu 840
  5. Siiw 620
  6. James_UK2008 474
  7. Jer 379
  8. En’enra 314
  9. moogle 195
  10. eMander 85
  11. Quicksilver21 0
  12. CaptainBee 0

Congratulations Letaali, well done. :beer: :yay:

And thanks Ysim for running the challenge and the fun tasks. :smile:

Congrats! :content:

Congrats Letaali :cheer:

Well done Letaali! I am happy he won because of the quality of his DJ.

Thank you Ysim for the challenge.

Thank you everyone! :content: I’ll post the sign up for NDC 11 in a few days.