A question for all you on the board who have regular LDs. Do you continue to log all the NDs that you remember into your DJ? Or do you only log your LDs and maybe an occational ND that is very interesting?
It’s still very important to write down your NDs no matter how much LDs you have. Recording your NDs will help you find out the most frequent dream signs what are occuring in your dreams recently, and overally NDs are better analyzers of your inner self than LDs.
Yah, writing down your regular dreams is just as important, if not more important, than writing down Lucid Dreams. As Cyrus said, the ND’s contain all of your dreamsigns, not to mention the fact that dreams can be really cool and are usually fun to remember. I always love reading through my dream journal and remembering the dreams.
Not to mention the fact that writing down your dreams helps you build your dream remembering, so that you can remember more dreams and in more detail as well as remembering your LD’s
I always log interesting dreams on paper, lucid or not.
Most lucid dreams I log in electronic form(voice recording or text), but some also on paper.
I used to have many LD’s and very good dream recall… then I became too lazy to write normal dreams… then I lost my dream recall… then I lost my LD’s