I found this page yesterday and that’s the first time i read about lucid dreaming.
I know that i’ve had some LDs in my 14 year old life.
If I have NDs, i remember all of them mostly.
Yesterday i tried using the MILD technique. I felt like i was falling aslepp, I started to see colours? But then i almost began to laugh and woke up. Was I near to fall asleep, or was it just a feeling?
almost laughed? hmm interesting. Tell me somthing did you feel sleep par? like your body was numb, and you felt you were going to laugh? or did you hear somthing and that set you off.
it sounds like you were close to falling alseep yes, and i gotta say this is the first time i have read of anyone laughing.
well on on finding this palce tho it is gr8. the best lucid dreaming web site on the net. And also well done on your past lucid dreams. Trust me you will be having a lot more from now on
sounds like you where very close, do you know if there was any reason why you were starting to laugh? maybe it was beause you were enjoying the feeling and the idea of lucid dremaing?
Yeah those are typical feelings of sleep paralysis upon falling asleep. They can be used to induce WILDs, but only when you experience this late at night, after at least a few hours of sleep.
Good luck
Yes it does sound like you were close to sleep. I am unsure about one thing though. Were you trying MILD or WILD?
You said MILD in your post but, some of what you experienced sounds more like WILD.
Almost forgot your original question. Sorry. I know when I first started to practice WILD some of the things I experienced the intense relaxation, numb tingling and vibrations felt so good that I found my self smiling and thinking how cool is this (though I never broke out laughing), which unfortunately woke me up. Don’t worry you will quickly get used to these feelings and be able to stay calm, go deeper and allow yourself to drift into the dream.
What i understod was that MILD was for “beginners”? But maybe WILD’s better to me. I’ve never got problems falling asleep, and i can relax easy. So for this night, I’m going to WILD
That’s not quite true. There are many different techniques for inducing LD ‘s. They are all powerful and will give you results. No one technique is harder or easier than the other. You can start with any technique you feel most comfortable with. For some WILD seems easier, for others MILD, and yet other people will say they just do RC and keep a DJ. Play around with the different techniques and decide what is right for you.
Yesterday i tried to do WILD. I counted to 1-100 and i said I’m dreaming after every number. After a while i saw the HI’s, I think. Then I could feel the vibrations and the feeling of falling? But I don’t came any further than that. One time it felt like my leg was dragged out of my body, but it came back And one time i began to choke? So i went up drinking some water. But I didn’t come further than the vibrations and that. What am I doing wrong?
Just imagine many threads - each of them symbolises a little bit of your consciousness. Take them away as you go deeper, but keep one - the one which will wake you up when you enter your dream.
See the BIG WILD topic - this was somebody else’s recent idea.
As someone who practices WILD let me tell you that you were very, very close. Next time when you get to the point where you feel like your leg is being pulled out of your body gently stop counting and let yourself go. You want your thoughts to become still. Just observe everything you are experiencing without getting to attached to them. If you think too much or try to do anything you will stay awake. You only need a slight awareness to crossover.
Let me know how you make out and I will see if I can help you from there. WILD may very well be the technique for you. The secret is all in letting go and just letting things happen.