Near-Sleep Spasms?

[color=indigo]My morning situations are usually such that my alarm wakes me up, then I lay in bed for an extra twenty or so minutes before rising. As a result, I often fall right back to sleep for a short time.

Sometimes, however, right at the point where I’m still thinking rationally but I’m not fully concious of my thoughts, I’ll lurch forward involuntarily. From time to time, I even yelp a bit. I pop suddenly into full awareness, and even though I know I didn’t issue an order to jump up like that, I can’t remember what was just on my mind in my recent state of half-slumber… it’s kind of a scary. I’m sure it’s perfectly ordinary, one way or another, but it really weirds me out.

Anyone else experience this?[/color]

Could it be myoclonic jerks? Muscles contacting just as you are about to enter sleep.

There’s a bit about sleep myoclonus in there. Don’t worry about what it says, you can have it without having any real problems. I get it all the time, sometimes randomly and sometimes when I get HI of tripping or falling over. For me it’s always a single twitch that wakes me up, something that occasionally helps during boring classes.

And there was a rather extreme case I once had. My mom gets mad when I fall asleep after she wakes me up. Well, the sound of her walking toward my room stimulated a myoclonic twitch that caused me to stand straight up in bed right before she walked in.