Need a better reality check for christ's sake!!!!!!

i just awoke from a dream in which i was in a mall. i see a frickin power ranger…hmmmm thats odd, i think i should do,a reality check to make sure im not dreaming. i find some text. either it didnt change or i didnt notice it but either way i didnt gewt lucid.

is there some sure fire reality out there that i dont know about…someone pleez help…im so damn close.

lol, a power ranger,

sorry had to laugh :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok a serious answer now, what you should do (well this is what I do now).

Try read a couple things, then block your nose and try breath through it.
if these all fail and it seems you are not dreaming, make one more reading RC and try looking around for ANYTHING unusual. maybe even look and count your fingers, you might see there is more or less than 10.

I repeat this process about 7-8 times in 1 day, (trying to do it more tho but keep forgetting!).

so what im saying is, try more than one RC, try a few, good luck and keep at it.


So far counting fingers has always worked for me. I’ve had between 2 and 7 fingers on one hand. Once i even had a finger that wasn’t connected to the hand.

correct me if i’m wrong, but it sounds like your problem isn’t in doing an RC in a dream and it not working, but recognizing things in your dream that would be impossible in WL and clue you in on the fact that you are dreaming

i had an ND just last night, where i thought it perfectly rational to plan to kill myself and wander about on the astral plane to find out if the end of the world was coming, because i knew i could reincarnate myself and come back and warn my friends. all my friends thought it was a good idea too :smile: i missed some pretty obvious cues myself and i have plenty of LDs under my belt

try to find the positive in what you do. don’t say “i can’t believe i didn’t realize i was dreaming” say “hey, i retained a lotta that dream, my dream recall is getting better” try to always take something positive from a situation you at first think negative :yinyang:

List of reality checks I’ve seen used:

=> Pinch your nose so that you shouldn’t be able to breath. If you can, you’re dreaming.
=> Close on eye. If you can’t see you’re nose, you’re dreaming.
=> Jump in the air. You may not fall back to the ground normally.
=> Look in a mirror, you may look different. Touch it. If it acts like a liquidy substance, you are dreaming.
=> Try and put one finger through your other hand.
=> Count your fingers. If you don’t have the right amount, you are dreaming.
=> Order the nearest girl to have sex with you :bounce:.

You should always try at least two, cos they don’t aways work. Also, you have to expect them to work.

Oh, and one more thing…

‘Go go Power Rangers! You mighty morphing Power Rangers!’ (that was how the origional song went, right?)

Kurt Zenan-Please do not take the name of the Lord in vain nor disrespectfully. For a promise by the Lord God is written in scripture. "The Lord shall not leave unpunished the one who takes his name in vain. :bored:

I agree on this one… This reality check is pretty fool proof for most people.

like i’ve said before… if you aren’t lucid all the time I think the best is to look at your hands and rub them together. Usually just thinking it is a dream will cause it to lose vividness and when you rub your hands together and look at them the dream scence increases in vividness 1000 fold.

I heard that the amnesia RC is pretty effective, to elaborate on that its where you question your current location and try to remember how you got there

Really? When I went lucid (yay!), I could remember how I got there. I remered the blackness of my view swirling, and then me just apearing in the dream :cool:. I used my own special (made up) technique… and it worked. Yay :content:.

yeah its a good technique, cuz if theres a discrepancy in how you got there, like you suddenly appeared, bam youre lucid. I wonder though if one can do this and the non-lucid dream program or whatever can possibly create a false ‘past’ of where you were before etc. when you do such an RC. I hope i didnt just screw myself over by telling my subconscious how to eliminate the effectiveness of this RC. If so then that would mean that youre subconsciously not interested in LD…hmm im veering off subject as usual :shy:

hmmm…, about that amnesia RC , sounds good…, it might be good to also RC asking yourself " did i bathe today ?.. "

cuz usually…, you dont shower in a dream before you go somewhere

-----or is that juss me… :neutral: