Need advice on staying lucid

I’ve had several dreams where I become lucid but only for a second but then I wake up or go back to regular dreaming. It happens so fast I can’t think of what to do to stay lucid. Like the other night I was trying to operate a door lock in this dream but I thought something isn’t right, why can’t I close the lock. So I looked closely at my fingers trying to work the lock and I couldn’t grip the lock. Then I thought ‘reality check’ and tried gripping one hand with the other and the hands just passed through each other. Confirmation! But then I just woke up with next to no time to try any technique to maintain lucidity. I have been using the look at your hands technique.

Could it be that a higher part of me is doing this as a means of slowly getting me used to being lucid?

That’s quite normal. Try not to worry at all. At the beginning lucid dreams tend to end very quickly. I had the same “problem” but with each new lucid dream, the time I spend in one was getting longer and longer.

I guess it’s something you need to get used to. It’s a new state of consciousness for you so you need time to adjust.

Thanks so much for your response. It means a lot.

That’s quite normal. Try not to worry at all. At the beginning lucid dreams tend to end very quickly. I had the same “problem” but with each new lucid dream, the time I spend in one was getting longer and longer.

I guess it’s something you need to get used to. It’s a new state of consciousness for you so you need time to adjust.

Rubbing my hands together always works well for me. I also learned an odd trick, which is to shout, “lucidity times 100!” (for obvious reasons).

I found it a real challenge to remain lucid for any length of time. My problem was over-excitement.


And that was it. Awake. :nuu:

Over time, I learned that the first thing to do was remain emotionally neutral. Then over some more time, I learned various techniques to continue lucidity. It’s all too easy to forget you’re dreaming when you’re pretending that you’re not dreaming in the dream. :content:

Sometimes I sing a song. I’ve used Rod Stewart’s I am Sailing before, but replaced it with I am Dreaming. Or every two seconds say the word ‘Dream’ in your mind. It is key to keep your mind focused not only on what you want to do, but equally on the fact that you are dreaming. It takes effort and a lot of practice (at least in my case), but as the months passed, I managed to have some really lengthy lucid dreams.

Good luck! :smile: