need help on raising lucidity

While i was in a lucid dream two days ago, i was running. Then i decided to stop and increase my lucidity by yelling “Increase lucidity and Increase Clarity” like someone told me to do. But the increase clarity didnt do much and the increase lucidity didnt make me any more away then i already was. I didnt feel fully awake in my dream so thats why i tried this. It was controllable but i couldnt stop perspective changes and i felt not too lucid.

I have never tried yelling out to increase Lucidity.
But When the dream starts the blur, I stop what I’m doing, and use my senses to deepen myself into the dream. In other words, I starts feeling around, touching dream objects, and focus on the dream. Using any kind of dream power, or doing anything you couldn’t do in RL, usully weakens the dream furthur, and I only attempt these when I have a good hold on it.
but for the most part, If the dream is unstable, it’s unstable, and sometimes, there nothing you can do to change it. :neutral:

In my lucid dream last week, I felt that everything was “fading”. So I remembered that spinning on one’s axis can "bring you back so to speak. I tried it, and was pleasently suprised when it worked.

If spinning doesn’t work for you, try rubbing your hands together (didn’t work for me).

Yeah I agree with everything here. If your dream starts to blur focus on yourself and your closest surroundings.

you were lucid…
Control will come with time and practice.
Try to enjoy it, have fun.
It will be most beneficial this way, if you ask me

er i dunno if im posting this in the right thread but it has to do with become lucid so… im trying to WILD and everytime i fall asleep (my mind and my body). any suggestions on how to stay dream-awake?