OK I’ve been DEILDing for almost 4 days now and I have trained myself to wake up after every dream without opening my eyes but I still move just a little.
Anyway I used to be able to recall at a minimum of 2 dreams a night but now I can’t even recall at all even though i am waking after every dream? So does anyone think its possible I’m only having FA’s? well if you do know it is that or you know the correct answer with what’s going on please post. Thank You
B.T.W I hope i posted in right place and sorry if I didn’t beacuse this is my first thread
Hey ! I’m DEILDing too !
Well, me too, when i wake up i don’t have any dream recall. I don’t know why though…
If you have trouble waking up and staying still, do a DEILD with an alarm that shuts down automatically (or know also as CAN-WILD ).
That’s what i do.
I think I’m going to try that but take a break for like a week to regulate my sleep patterns more and then get back to it
It’s very possible that you could be in a FA upon awakening, it’s hard to know though haha. It really sucks to not be able to know for sure, but go with your intuition, your gut-feeling if you feel it is. If not, it’s okay , you could do DEILD multiple times.