Need SERIOUS help with recall.

I’ve been successful with astral projection from waking life before in the past, and could probably still do it if i practiced for a couple days again. When it comes to lucid dreaming, im totally lost… i can’t remember ANY dreams, weeks will go by where ill remember that i had dreams, but not what any of them were about… or if i do remember them, it’s only a split second of a thought or a single picture

Do you use a dream journal? That is a recall stimulating element of vital nature to most people.

[com]Try some of These Tips:[/com]

  1. 5-HTP (At a drug store if u can)

  2. Omega-3 ( This may work, I posted about it in the Pathways Forum)

  3. [color=orange]CHEESE[/color]!!!

  4. When you wake up, don’t open your eyes, dont even THINK!! Just let what happened come to you.

  5. This may or may not work, but make up some dreams when you first wake up, and maybe it will get you into the habit of writing something dream related when you wake up. Just a guess though.

He can’t remember his dreams yes?? So this brings me once again back to my 5th point. That may help some.

well i shall try all of this, it seems helpful… what about ginkgo?? think that might help??

but ya i have a dream journal, that is right next to my bed, but i dont really have any dreams to right in it, other than each morning i try to write at least a sentence, the other day i got one thing in… and that was that all the people i was talking to, were there for me, which woke me up preventing me from becoming lucid inside the dream. I also cant tell if im too tired, or not tired enough

not that it will definetaly work… but you might as well try this…

a long time ago when I was having trouble with LDs… (dry spell) I tried taking melatonin… its supposed to help you sleep better so i thought It would help me relax and have LDs… well it never gave me LDs, but i remembered about 3 dreams a day. so you should give it a shot…

Waking up in the middle of the night has helped me a lot with my recall. It’s the difference between one dream a night and six. Try to wake up about 5-6 hours after you go to sleep. You might try repeating your intention just before going to bed at night, as well; tell yourself mentally, “I will remember my dreams.”

Before going to sleep, focus on your intention to remember atleast 1 dream. Then when you get the dream write it down in your dream journal and then try to remember 2 the next night.
Eventually you should develop a good recall.

this all seems so easy, but yet i still continue to have a lot of trouble, yet i think i was closer last night than ive ever been to being lucid, but as soon as i realized it i woke up yet kept my eyes closed… i remembered a lot of details and started going over them, and they were all right there, until i opened my eyes and totally came back to reality… where i instantly forgot everything… it was amazing how as soon as i opened my eyes, the thoughts disappeared… so thanks to tyrael i closed my eyes again, and laid the same way i woke up… and within a few seconds i remembered it again, and was able to write it down the next morning.

I’m not sure if people have mentioned this btw, but ive noticed than WILD (not that i’ve had full success with this method) works a lot better when you are fairly tired, or late at night

Are you getting plenty of sleep? REM periods increase in length and frequency as your sleep progresses, so if you only sleep for 5 hours, you’re going to have problems.

I get very good recall when I sleep for a few hours. I don’t think that is it.
If you feel you’re not deprived of sleep, that’s probably not the reason.
You can try a couple of things.
Take Tyraels advice and use 5-htp or other drugs. I have a friend who took 5-htp and didn’t feel anything change, but actually, she’s not a good example so forget it.
As someone here said, try to focus your attention before you go to sleep on recalling your dreams.
The best trick that I know of to get your recall is once you wake up, try to move as less as possible. Lie on your back and look up, look at the ceiling. You shouldn’t try to remember your dreams or focus on anything at all. Just look at the ceiling and lay there , relax for a couple of minutes. Memories should start floating back into your mind, and then I will suggest you write everything you can remember. It is probable that the writing will trigger more and more memories as you go on.
Hope this helps.

Here’s an idea that might help. If you tend to forget those dreams when you open your eyes, then dont write them down. Have a tape recorder really close nearby so that you can reach it without opening your eyes. Wake up, go over all those details, then just speak some of them out loud into the recorder.

One thing - if you can remeber even one image in detail, then start to write it down, you will be amazed at how much you can remember. One time I waited until I got to work in the morning to write a dream down and literally all I could remember was a wooden rope bridge stretch high over a river, but in writing all the details I remembered where I had come from to get to that bridge, and then what was on the other side of it, etc. I ended up with two or three pages of stuff written out, all of which was a complete surprise to me.

Your brain is programmed to forget dreams. Otherwise we’d have dead cats everywhere who dreamt the neighbors dog had run away the night before they tried to sneak into enemy territory :wink:

Thanks a lot Playlien :smile:

Quite helpful.

No problem :content: Glad to be of service