I’m fed up with not having lucid dreams. I am going to start trying harder. I’ve decided to stop my tendency to never write in my dream journal because I’m tired. I need some quick tips that will help me achieve more LDs.
First, how do I get myself to recognize dreamsigns? For instance, if I’m in the middle of a shoot out or being kidnapped or anything weird is happening? I’ve gotten myself to recognize tornados as dream signs, but my once-recurring tornado dreams have decreased a lot.
Second, I need to know what kind of reality checks are best to perform. Should I just make myself remember to look at my watch every once in a while? I can’t set my watch to go off every hour, it only goes off every 24 hours. What RCs are best?
Finally, I need to know what works best for you. This is important, so please tell what your methods/techniques are.
So I’m going to write in my dream journal and look for dream signs, do multiple reality checks everyday, and I’ll try the Suneye Method/WBTB sometimes, even though they have been giving me zero reults lately. Is there anything else I should be doing?
Don’t give up… you’re right on track. Writing your dreams in journal is a good way to start!
Recognizing dream signs can be a good way to start, but in my opinion… it’s not dependable. I can suggest you to try and find more common dream signs like maybe if you notice that you’re reading something… use that to do a RC.
You answered that yourself… WBTB, suneye method, RCs, dream journal, and dream signs. Sometimes it takes long for a person to become lucid. My favorite method though is WILDing. You can use WBTB to WILD.
If you want to learn more about WILD (in case you don’t know about it)… there is a large WILD topic being discussed. Click here to explore some more.
yeah, it’s called relaxing and not worrying about it. it’s been my experience that the more you try to force LDs the less successful you’ll be. sometimes not trying is the best method (until you learn to try w/o trying too hard, i’m still working out the kinks on that one).
write in your dream journal, but take a break from everything else, except maybe RCs. no MILD, no WILD, just go to sleep.
ok first off there is no quck tips. it is like everything in life u get out what you put in. like everyone else has said dont try too hard. i was fed up once up no lds and i had bad recall. i gave up and forgot about it for a week. i had 2 lds that week and great recall everynight.
the best rt for me is time nad hand through a wall. every one is diffrent fine out what works best for you and go for that
good luck
but d o not give up
lding is the best thing ever remember that it will come
Continue, and repeatedly convince yourself that you genuinely intend to have an LD. Intention defintiely helps to direct your mind in the right direction, but only if it’s genuine: don’t try to force an intention upon yourself because that is exactly the problem of “trying too much”! If you improve your intention you will also develop a kind of “effortless” discipline, you’ll just write your dream diary every night without hesitating and practice all the techniques with joy because you know they will help you becoming lucid.
Oh and the best technique is definitely WBTB combined with MILD. This technique beats all the rest with ease
sorry brain hacker i have to disagree with you there, everyone is diffrent waht works foe someone might not work for someone else.
the WBTB and MILD are good yes, but they might not work for everyone myself included not meaning to stick u up or anthing it is just hard to say one thing works better than somthing else.
Maybe, but I’m relying not only on my personal kick ass experiences with WBTB, but also on scientific research by His Holiness Stephen LaBerge: An Hour of Wakefulness Before Morning Naps Makes Lucidity More Likely.
When I read that article years ago I was very excited because there was no other method with comparable scientific results. I became even more excited because all the promises became true when I tried it myself.
Yes we are all different, but we also have much in common so we can relate to each other and share our experiences without having to talk to an alien species. And because we have things in common science can discover rules that are generally true for most people though not necessarily for everyone. For example smoking is causing death for many people, and the fact that some people are 90 and still smoking does not mean that statement is false.
If you have huge difficulties having LDs it makes probably sense to start with the techniques that have proven their worth for most dreamers already doesn’t it?
true and by no means was i saying that you are wrong my friend. I was mearly stating what is good for one might not be good for somone else. and in saying so dont box your self into one idea.
OK but I like to say things straight and not add clauses all the time like “I could be totally wrong” or “it probably doesn’t work for everybody” - though sometimes I do. Just my temperament - everyone is different you know
Affirmations work really well for me. A few times a day I say, “I’m going to have a lucid dream.” This way, your subconscious hears it and records that piece of information. If it is stored right there, it’s easy to make its way into your dreams. The more you say it, your chances for having an ld are increased. Good luck!
What are the best reality checks to do? I mean, what do you guys do when you do an RC? Do you think about whether you’re in a dream or not, push your hand through a wall, try to fly?
My favourite one is counting fingers
It is very quick, and it I think it doesn´t fail as often as many other tests.For example, sticking your hand through a wall depends on wether you believe you can or not.Therefore, it probably won´t work if you don´t already strongly suspect you´re dreaming.
Counting is different, you don´t need to think about it.It´s simply something you can´t do very well in your dreams.
The text-test is also good, for the same reason.
The “how-did-I-get-here” probably, but it takes more time
This reminds me of something that happened a few weeks ago…I was in the same situation you are, no LDs, but I was trying a bunch of techniques every night. WILD, MILD, writing in my dream journal, etc. I posted about it on the board, and onei himself came along and told me to do the same thing he’s suggested here, which is take a break and stop trying techniques…the night after the night he told me to do that (and I did) I had 2 LDs.
Everybody is different, but after that experience, I would suggest not trying at all instead of trying harder.
Well, I’ve found something I can use as a dream sign . I’ve noticed that sometimes I have bad dreams about doing something wrong with babies. 3 nights ago I had a dream where I was holding my baby cousin. He was really slippery and squishy sort of; very hard to hold because he kept slipping out of my hands. I kept picking him up but he’d slip back out. His parents were in the next room and I didn’t want to hurt their baby.
Last night I had a dream with a little kid doing something dangerous, so I picked him up and stopped him. He suddenly turned into a baby and shrunk to the size of my thumb. After that, he got even smaller and I accidentally dropped him somewhere and lost him. I was panicing because I knew if I didn’t find him he would die. So I searched around the floor and on things that were around the area he I dropped him. I never found him, he was the size of a crumb!!
I’m sure, from these two dreams, that I have a fear of doing something wrong with babies, like dropping and killing them. I’m going to do the third-eye technique and tell myself that when I see a baby I should do a reality check, or if something goes wrong with a baby, I must be dreaming. Is there a better way I can get myself to see this as a dream sign?
Another good RC (I’ve heard) is to kind of connect looking at something with asking yourself if you were dreaming… Example: Make looking at your hand every so often a habit. Every time you look at your hand, ask yourself if you’re dreaming and look around you to see if you can find evidence to whether or not you are dreaming. Then you’ll look at your hand in your dream and ask yourself the same thing. Also, your hand may just look odd or distorted and you’ll know that you’re dreaming