Need to update my Wake-Back-to-Bed technique! Any ideas?

Currently, my WWTB schedule is as follows: I get up at 4am, feed the cats, write down any dreams, read about dreams (currently Robert Moss - Conscious Dreaming. Great book!), and then return to sleep at 4:30am with the intention of having a lucid dream. (sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t) I then try to get up at 5am in order to get a jump-start on my day. My problem? Sometimes, but not usually, the 4am is impossible - even with the alarm across the room - but mostly, the 5:30am is too. Weekends where I can leisurely wake and sleep seem to work best.

As I try to get to bed by 10:30 but usually average around 11pm, bedtime is a difficult to change with my busy schedule. I plan to continue to dream journal following any dreams, but wondering if anyone has any time management ideas or ideas on how to make this sytem more conducive to lucidity…

Thank you!

I would suggest getting more sleep, even though you said you have a busy schedule. WBTB is tricky as you can see with all this time experiments: when to wake up, how long to stay awake, etc.

Also, is it half an hour enough to get a lucid dream, I mean can you fall asleep that quickly after feeding your cats and reading. Ok, I do sleep a lot more then you so when I do WBTB I don’t even stay awake more then 10 minutes because then I’m to awake.

I don’t have a lot experience with so short sleeping time :tongue: , but I would suggest also trying mantras in combination with alarm. Because when I wake up with alarm I don’t have so much will to get up as when I wake up using mantra… Waking up with mantra feels like a lot more energy within then with alarm. When waking with mantra it’s by your choice, when alarm is not so much…

Thanks for the reply.

Oops! I mean I try to get up again at 5:30am…which is an hour and still maybe not enough time…not sure. What is a mantra? Like, I know what it is, but how would someone use one in order to wake up?


It’s very easy. It’s more like a autosuggestion. If you’re going in bed at 11pm and you want to wake up around 4am you tell yourself: I will wake up after 5 hours.

You can repeat that mantra a few times and then just fall asleep. It works like a charm! But when you’re saying mantra really mean it, don’t say it pointlessly! Maybe you’ll need few days to get that working but after some time it will come to you naturally. Now I wake up around 4am every day, naturally.

Cool! Thanks!

I’m glad I could help! :content:

I agree with dB_FTS. For me when I wake up with auto-suggestion it feels natural and I am able to actually wake up, but when I use an alarm sometimes I jump awake, sartled, and sometimes I feel like a zombie. I’m not sure, but I think if the alarm wakes you up in deep sleep you’ll feel like that.

Its really rare to get an LD in 30 minutes. It has happened afew times and each time I’ve done it I remember being really tired and sleeping on my side. About a minute later I would either begin a random LD or have this wired dream of stepping on an icy porch step and slipping causing my leg to kick waking me up.( Had this one a lot)
So yea sleeping on your side may get you to sleep faster with LDs

It’ actually possible but you would need to know exactly when your REM stages are, they you could awake before and stay awake for how long you need but when you would go to sleep you were going to fall asleep into REM stage…