Never tried lucid dreaming and have some questions.

  1. When you try reality checking do you always have to or will you sometimes be able to tell right away?
  2. Is trying to do “magical” things the first time hard?
  3. Do you ever feel a lot of pain?

If theres a question that has an anwer that has a different answer for everyone answer it how it was for you.

  1. Sometimes people just become lucid for no reason. I know I have, but I’ve also become lucid because of reality checks.

  2. It really depends on your level of lucidity and how much you believe you can. If you don’t believe you can fly, you won’t be able to fly.

  3. I’ve never felt pain in a lucid dream. I think it’s kind of like the question above. If you think it’s going to hurt, then it might hurt. You just have to remember that nothing can hurt you.

  1. I’ve only ever became lucid through RCs.

  2. I still haven’t been able to fly, yet I can make unbelivable scenarios out of nothing. You just need to believe, thats all.

  3. Well, in my attempted flying attempts I’ve fell and felt a small bit of pain. But its not like major pain or anything like that. When you first become lucid, you may feel a bit heavy: not painful, more or less uncomfortable.

  1. I rarely use reality checks. If I use them, it’s only to confirm when I strongly suspect it’s a dream.

  2. Depends on the magical thing, how much it alters the world around you and how much sense it makes.

  3. It’s very rare for me to feel any pain in a dream. It’s happened before, but it causes me to wake up and promptly vanishes since it’s not based on tissue damage like real pain usually is.