I’ve been Lucid Dreaming since I found this site in April 2004. Well, I should say I started then, I didn’t get an account here until I got my first Lucid Dream in July of that year.
I was at like at 2 LD’s a week in November 2004 and I moved to my uncles house, and moved from a twin sized bed I was sleeping in since I was 6, to a queen sized pillowtop matress. I figured it would be awesome for my dreaming… I was wrong. It took me like two months to actually get into a dreaming zone of where I was when I was in my old house.
When I moved from my uncles house in May I was a LDing machine. I would get about two, sometimes three dreams A NIGHT. It was amazing. I moved to Canada and my bed became a pullout bed. I had my most amazing LDs in this bed, but when I first moved into it I honestly didn’t have one LD for like a month. I was having like three or four dreams a night at my peak in this bed, it wasn’t comfortable but I guess was good for me, w/e. I loved it. Well after about 6 months in this bed the thing broke. Now I sleep on a couch and my legs hang up in the air like I’m at a gyno or something.
I don’t LD at all anymore when I’m on this couch. I have tried everything, but the dreams just don’t happen or if they do they don’t last as long as they usually do, maybe like 30 seconds. It sucked and I figured I’d get back to dreaming after a month, this didn’t happen. I moved to this couch in December, I haven’t been able to dream but I didn’t mind. I had some amazing LD’s when I would sleep in my G/F’s bed. But I rarely sleep in her bed and dreams in her bed aren’t planned, they just spontaneously happen, if they do at all.
Well, I managed to save up some money and I got a great deal on a 500 dollar “single” bed. It’s extremely comfortable.
I have actually reverted to the phase of my dreaming life where I can’t wait until I go to sleep. And I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m going to WILD, like normal, but I don’t know what will happen. I want to get back to where I was, now that I can comfortably sleep.
I need advice!! What should I do?
Should I just sleep normally? Should I set my alarm for some WBTB? Should I read my DD’s for some of my dream nostalgia?
Also, how can I get “tired” again. I know this sounds weird, but usually by midnight I’m wiped out, it’s 11:40 local time right now and I’m up and about like I’m going to Disney World in the morning… I have so much anticipation. I don’t want to screw up my sleep schedule.