New dog! (large pics)

Recently my friend was out in the Desert off-roading and saw this poor Dog abandoned. He took him to the Pound where they were going to ‘put him down’ if they didn’t find an owner within 4 days. Well, he did…:happy:

Just got him groomed and fed, he’s a happy pup now. EXTREMELY friendly and well-behaved and house-broken too. About 2 years old, purebred Chow.

When we got him, he had brown tuffs of old dirty fur around his neck that looked just like Dreads, and I mentioned he looked like Bob Marley…so we called him Marley. And here he is…

As you can see, it didn’t take him long to adjust to the new surroundings…

Poor thing’s Ears were all chewed up by the flies and shit in the desert, but we got medication for that.

he’s georgous, congrats on the new friend!

poor thing. good job on picking the puppy up.


Our neighbors have a dog that often visits us just like “Marley”
Great name by the way! :smile:

The black chow that visits us is named “Buddy” and he is one strange creature. He’s very territorial and “cocky” but has become a neighborhood friend. I think he has mental problems and ocassional seizures though… :bored:
I’m glad to hear Marley found someone to take care of him. That’s great to see. :smile:

Beautiful dog man! Glad you picked him up and didnt just let him wander the desert. :tongue:

In my old neighbourhood my friend had a huge black chow who enjoyed biting me whenever I came over. He never really got used to me, except for the one day I fed him like a million cookies. My friend’s dog freaked me out, don’t let your dog become too vicious. Heh. hides from the dog

I seem to own the Anti-Chow. I hear they are normally very agressive towards strangers but I swear, Marley is the sweetest dog around. Even the pound commented on how docile he is compared to other Chows. I’ve only had him for 3 days now and already he lets me knock him around…he’ll gnaw but he never ever bites.

He’s so docile that when my friend found him, he was able to pick him up and put him in the car.

I just came home and he was waiting for me. He’s the coolest pooch I’ve owned since my old Dog…in fact, they are really, really, REALLY similiar in behavior. Even my Dad commented on it. My old German Shephard was the same way, really docile and mellow, which is unlike their breed’s behavior.

4 Days before Marley was even found I thought to myself “When I get a Dog, it will be a Chow.” I never wanted a Chow, until that day. 4 days later, enter Marley. It’s silly to think it, but sometimes I think he’s my old dog just reincarnated back into another body. :happy: