I have been pretty good latley at having lucid dreams probably about 3 a night which is all fine and dandy but the thing is to acheive these dreams i use WILD which means I always wake up into my lucid dream in my bedroom or wherever i do my WILD. So my problem is i can never change the location of my lucid dreams they are always in my bedroom! and iv tried all that stuff of opening doors and going through mirrors well the only thing that happens if i go through doors is i go to other parts of my house (logically) and for the mirrors i just go into a bland space then wake up, anyone have any tips for me to cahnge my dream locations
Hmm well, if you expect that behind doors/mirrors nothing changes and all looks normal, then it will. Try to really convince yourself that behind a door (which you would best create, a door that doesn’t exist in your real house should work best) there IS this certain dreamscape. Be sure to try to put some effort in imagining exactly what you want to appear, you could let it happen at random too, im not sure what’s best. Another thing you could try is to fly outside and just fly a long way, and get “lost”, so you dont know where you are anymore, which provides an opportunity to explore new ground. Anyway, good luck with it!
If you haven’t tried spinning you could do that. Also if you want a different place go outside you’re house a then just start flying (hopefully you can fly fast). Then just start flying very rapidly and go somewhere else.
I also agree totally with what Xetrov said. If you think the mirror or door will take you no where except your house…what more can you expect it to do…it is a dream after all.
As a third thing you could try closing your eyes and visulizing that you will be somewhere else… when doing this really feel and try to know you will be there when you re-open them.
i’ve found certain types of sleep have certain types of dreams, and if you WILD straight from bedtime (and WOW you are lucky if you do!) you will be in a very light sleep where your entire unconscious is pretty much thinking of ONLY your bedroom, because you were in it so long and because you tried to WILD, you took up a lot of its resources to think, so…
if you go to sleep before your unconscious totally wakes up (you must obtain a balance of conscious/unconscious to WILD) your unconscious has not been allowed to “dream” yet, to sort things out… so there isn’t much information floating at the top of it to really have much of a decent dream…
in fact let me replace unconscious with subconscious, the sub-c is the barrier for which you can access the unC… the subc is what gives you dreams, but it draws from a pool.
like for example take the word dog.
the conscious has one limited response, it knows what a dog is, and it just draws randomly…
sub-c thinks about all things related to dogs that you have recently experienced
unc contains, possibly, all knowledge.
so it’s like, your sub-c didn’t get to do anything yet, so it isn’t giving you vivid dreams… but you can meditate while in a lucid dream state, and allow yourself to “WILD” again, and again, and again… or better yet you can destroy the dream environment by focusing on relaxation, and let your sub-c eventually start making dreams for you.
its almost like dreams have to be incubated from one layer of mind to another… if you don’t let this happen naturally by wandering thoughts, the incubation will be under your control, and what you think of eventually takes you directly to the source of what you think of, and some things loosely related.
so i.e. thinking of a lamp will eventually yield you a dream lamp in front of you, and then you will be in the room it was in, your room etc.
but to incubate dream content into dreams is to simply implant suggestions into the unconscious, and more clearly, the subconscious… which is why sometimes we have to try real hard to do things, we haven’t set up the proper environments because WE CONTROL TOO MUCH.
hopefully this makes sense, i’ll revise it later.