I’ve been using the NEW system (New Energy Ways) for a few days now and it seems as if it helps me to become lucid easier. The NEW system was developped by Robert Bruce and is explained in his book Astral Dynamics. Its main purpose is to induce OBEs, but it can also be used for LDs. Basically it’s all about moving your point of awareness through your body to stimulate energy streams and thus to create a continuing energy flow through your body.
You can find it all here:
Has anyone else used this technique with success to become lucid?
thx for posting this, i’m finding it very interesting reading especially because what is described so far is very similar to the type of energy meditations that i do
i always had a sneaky suspicion that those meditations might help my LDing but wasn’t sure how to integrate teh energy meditations w/ my LDing practice, i hope when i get further along in this, i’ll find the answer
hell, i might even buy the book
Now that you mention it, when I was doing the energy building techniques that he lays out in the book, I was having a higher rate of LDs. I was specifically using the cyclical energy meditation where you draw energy up through the feet and hands into the spine and up to the top of the head and then down through the throat, chest, stomach and into the sub-navel storage circuit. I deffinitely noticed stronger dreaming and even increased occurances of random dream recognition.
I deffinitely recommend buying Bruce’s book if you’re remotley interested in astral travel and theories. I got mine for fifteen bucks at Borders so its not that expensive and its packed full of usefull info, if you are, as I said, into that sort of thing.
Mystic, do you have any areas that you find it hard to move your awareness through? I seem to have trouble sliding up past my knees and between my shoulder blades. Not sure what to do about that.
Umm, thanks for the link cuz I never heard of NEW system that Monroe created. It sounds interesting though. For some reasons I have been hearing about that system lately on here and other forums. I guess it must be more than a concidence for me to read about it… who knows?
Thanks again for the link… I’m going to read it very soon!
Lieve dromen (sweet dreams!)
I’ve used it daily for an hour or two, for about two months
never got it working to full energy raising and didn’t notice that big increase of dreams
I think they over-advertise this system as everyone is unique in their abilities
Internal Arts/Yoga do the same to your energy body either way.
Congrats that you got it working however!
Yeah I have a bit trouble with raising energies through my knees too, but it goes quite well through and between my shoulders. Other parts where there may be a energy blockage are my upper arms and around my hips. I haven’t felt the sub-navel storage center for now, but I’m only a beginner so this will come in time.
I think you just have to stay practicing, because even if you don’t feel anything, it will still have some effect (according to Robert Bruce). The stirring, brushing and sponging techniques are great techniques to dissolve energy blockages. Stimulate that areas day by day for as long as it takes. This will help I guess. But you can always ask for advice on his site. They have a big forum about OBEs and energy development: astralpulse.com/forums/
I hope you can solve the problem. Good luck!