new idea, chatroom with voice communication

Yeah, Q is PasQuale. But before you send any PM’s or emails, I think it should be pointed out that she is of the female gender :wink:.

wow honeyjigga, you seem to have generated some hostile responses from people for only offering a nice suggestion!! blah, ignore them, they are just cranky. :tongue:

The truth is, some chat regulars already voice chat. We use a free program called “Skype” and it’s “full duplex” so both can talk at once. It works much like a telephone.

Some of us also video/voice chat with “eyeball chat,” and it’s also “full duplex” so it works just like a video phone.

We also use webcams that update every 30 seconds. If in the channel you can find the URL by typing
or by asking for the URL politely :smile:
There are 15 people on the webcam page, but only 3 or 4 are “semi-regulars.”

Some people are hesitant about “speaking” to strangers in a chatroom. It takes a little nerve for some people to type chat, and voice chat isn’t too desirable for many people. However, if you enter the current chatroom and make some friends, I’m sure there will be some that will voice chat with you. :smile:

well, if you dont like the client, then you can just use another one like mirc, xchat and similar… #ld4all is on a irc server, which is the mother of all chatrooms and clients like msn and such just cannot compete at all. Messenger clients like msn, yahoo and such aint multiplatform, so it will only work on certain platforms/OS while IRC works on any computer wether it being a pc with windows, a pc with linux, cell phone, mac, amiga or whatever.

The chatmods also dont get the same level of control when using messenger instead of internet relay chat.

If you want voice chat, then just get a plugin or something for mirc…

It is just not a option to replace the whole chat with a voice one… Most of the members here are not native english, so it will be impossible for alot of people to communicate effectively and it would also be quite a bit more confusion and hard to follow when you have 30 people speaking at the same time.

Why not just invite a member to meet you on a voice chat like skype or something?? voice chat wont work when there is more than a few people on anyways.

I didn’t think there will be this much input from people, but hey keep the replies coming.

What i like about chat clients like Yahoo messenger is that loads of people can have voice chat enabled in the mainroom, but only one can speak at a time, of course if you go onto any chat room in yahoo, loads of people butt in all the time, and then they apologise and the orginal talker continues, you get the ocassional guy who butts in and then chatts crap and annoys you until you have to leave the room. But what i like about yahoo is that it’s simple, it’s easy, it’s fun. People can type in the main window at the same time when people are talking on the mic, i would really like it if we could give it a go. It can’t be that bad can it?

You will likely get a quicker response if you send a pm to one of the mods. Q is often very busy.

Anyway, sorry if my first response to you sounded harsh but I was in a bad mood. I got some bad news earlier that day so it just was not a good day. If I could share the news with you I am sure you would understand. :smile:

hey milod789 don’t worry about your first response to me, it wasn’t that bad and i already forgotten about it. We all have bad days and from the sound of things you’ve had the worst one. well hang in there.

hey there,

I am bringing this thread up again, i have not yet written to a mod about the idea of a room but i am going to do it now, i have been a bit busy these days. I had some time earlier but i had to write up my OBE that i had the other day. i will now send a private message.

ok folks,

I have sent a private message to the mod moogle, let’s hope he considers this idea.

Maybe Teamspeak is something you want…

lol, moogle is also of the female gender :lol: . I can just imagine the strange looks my family would give after passing by and hearing me say, “Yeah, I almost entered the dream successfully. I felt SP coming on and I was nervous at first, but then I focused my attention on the hypnagogic imagery.” :rofl: . While we’re on the subject I must admit I don’t really like the chat. I don’t know if you guys will think I’m stupid for this, but I don’t find it simple enough, it’s a bit confusing. You have to memorize all these commands and stuff. I’m an AIM guy, so I’m not really used to all of that.

Hey folks,

moogle sent me a pm and said that she passed on my details to Jeff and he said that he will send me a pm later today, and that he is very busy, they both thought it was quite a good idea of a voice chatroom.