Ok this morning( some minutes ago to be exact) i was having these dreams, well they were ld’s because i knew all the time they were dreams and i could wake up at any time. But that’s not the case; the case is that they were non-visual, to make it easier they’re like when you daydream but instead of you controlling the thoughts they control themselves in a script.
But they weren’t simply thoughts, it was a dream because is just feel like a dream scene but only i can’t really see it as a normal dream but just as a daydream.
Well the last one was that i was in this movie called “Mr.G” and i was with this woman and a guy in a van with the back doors opened; she said she lost her opportunity of the series “100 times” because of this movie. Then i saw carved on a fence the chat blog of what she and i were chatting.(MSN)
Anyway i could keep dreaming as many time as i wanted but they were just boring and i just decided to wake up.
What are they called?
Non-visual LDs? Daydream LDs?
and can these dreams count as Lucid?
These are called just LD’s, and yes ofcourse if you are aware that it’s a dream, visuals or not, its a LD. It happens to me also now and then, I have very little or no vision, but apart from that I know where I am (mostly in my house), and i can feel and touch etc, just no visuals. Pretty annoying but you can try to get your visuals back, you just have to find a personal way of doing so that works for you. Personally what I do is I “want the visuals back”, or in other words through thinking.