New member in need of help!

:bored: Hi guys, my name is Emily and i’m a new member. I have tried lucid dreaming and astral projection and neither work for me. I’ve tried everything but it just won’t come. I’ve given up AP until i’ve mastered LD but I get nothing. If anyone can help me, that would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks so much and it’s great to be here

Hi Emily, theres plenty of info on this site and in the forums, i suggest just sifting through the topics, youll learn alot from people who have the same problems.


Hi Emily,

This is just to let you know that I second what m2k961 said. Study and practice. Works every time! :content:

Hi Emily,

I now possess THE secret of lucid dreaming, a “GUARANTEED”, proven method to access the secrets of the cosmos for fun and fortune. Just send £200 to…

Hi Emily,

   Keeping a dream journal is key.  If you have a hard time remembering your dreams wake yourself 1.5.3, or 4.5 hours into sleep and see if you remember anything.  You must have patience and don't neglect your journal.  Once you are recalling many dreams per night you can use any of the methods to be found in this forum or elsewhere.  For me, naps seem to be very conducive toward Lucid Dreaming because your mind is fairly awake as you enter sleep.  Also try to see things and events in your daily life as all part of a dream or an illusion occasionally asking yourself "Am I dreaming?"  I'm trying something I read somewhere recently.  I am going to sleep holding a sacred object, in my case prayer beads.  They did appear in my dream last night, but I missed the cue.
                                    Good Luck,  Mithrandir

Thank you all for your help. I do recall many dreams a night, searched this site very thoroughly and tried many different methods. I will definately try to wear something to sleep and see what happens. I guess practice makes perfect right?

Start doing reality checks. If you often happen to dream about reoccuring things, like false awakeings, then do a reality check everytime you wake up, you often go to bathroom in dreams?? then do a reality check everytime you go to the bathroom.

This will make you do it in dreams to.

Well here are some tips that i have come up that may help u have a LD:

  • do MILD (before going to sleep every night, tell yourself that u WILL have a lucid dream and that u Will remember your dream. Say this to yourself every couple of seconds until u fall asleep)
  • try constently thinking about LDing during the day…maby the idea will get u really motivated and u will have a LD sooner
  • stay motivated as much as possible
  • have an intention of having a LD(if u dont have one, then u dont really have a reason of trying to LD. An intention to have a LD might be to fly…)
  • read through the forum before going to sleep(the idea of LDs will stay fresh in your head and u might actually have one at night!)
  • talk to other ppl in the chat…maby they can give u some tips that i havent mentioned ^^
    I hope these will help !
    bi ^