New method: WBTD (Wake Back To Dream)

I would like to share a method that worked for me last night, I call it WBTD (wake back to dream) very similar to WBTB, but not the same, with a WBTB, you wake up, stay up for a while, do things that will get lucidity and dreams on your mind, and go back to sleep, with the WBTD method, you simply go back into your dream immidiateley after waking up, allow me to explain:

When you first wake up, you still have the image of your dream in your head for a few seconds untill you open your eyes, this method is a way to speed up a WILD and no longer have to wait for HH, I guess it is also similar to VILD, you keep the image of your dream in your head, and do a WILD from there, very simple, I’ve only tested it once, and I’m happy to say, it worked perfectly :cool_laugh:
But I would like to get your results on it, test it out, see how it works, and then let me know what you come up with.

DO NOT set your alarm clock early for this one, this only works if you are able to go back to sleep imediateley after waking up with no disturbance, basically, if you wake up frequently in the middle of the night like I do, this method should work wonders for you.

Please, if you’re just going to guess how well it will work without testing it, don’t post, I’m looking for results not oppinions.

Also, if you have ever had a succesfull WBTB/WILD, tell me if you find this method easier.

This is a technique known previously as the “Chaining”. I’m affraid it’s nothing new. :grin:

But it does indeed work very well ! :cool_laugh:

Oh, darn, well, great minds think alike, I guess, thanks for letting me know.

I was convinced I made this, I’d never heared of it before, nevertheless, it works, so I’ll stick with it.

I can wake then back to dream. But they are ND’s. I need to practice more. But in the morning is a good time for me I keep setting my SLEEP alarm for 10ish min then i can dream again.