Alright here i am, i kept a DJ for about 2 weeks and ready to move on to the next step. Dreamsigns…as i look over this my mother appears in like every dream. Wow she differs, one time shes teaching me how to telepathically lift water from a pool and whip it around to my recent nightmare where she was in a diner with me. So i guess thats good, i see her alot, good amount of RC’s. And ill remember how to correctly do them, being suspicious of everything around you and not assuming im awake. Does anyone have a guess on how long it would be untill I start remembering mother = dream while asleep?
It took me about two days to associate one dreamsign (contests). But now I am working on one that is harder because it is very frequent: walking through doors. It depends on the dreamsign… My guess is less than a week.
Woah walking through doors? That is gonna be hard. But its good this is gonna take me around a week.