Hi… im a newbie to the world of Lucid dreaming, ill start off by saying i was introduced to this concept through my addiction of reading Castaneda’s books… the whole looking at your hand while your dreaming to realize your actually dreaming. I am lucky enough to have vivid dreams regularly so i figure i should take full advantage of it. I am going to start the journal tonight… hopefully ill pick up on the concept fast - but if not thats alright, ill be sleeping a lot in my life
Welcome Gubalz…Castaneda books are fun!
I use his hand stabelize trick in my lds…works good!
I’ve been hearing a lot about Castaneda so far…maybe someday I’ll read one of his books.
hey Gubalz !! (interesting nickname )
I just wanted to welcome you to this site and lucid dreaming ^^. I wish you good luck on becoming lucid and dream recall. For some it comes faster than others.
bi ! c ya around the forum ^~
Hey gubalz,
Im new here myself, this is only about my 7th post. I hope you have an easy time with lucid dreaming, I think Im making some progress. I’ve never red any of those books before, maybe I will sometimes. But just enjoy the forum.
Hello and welcome to a site thats full of knowledge and sharing.
Welcome! I did posted a post, but it got lost when forum went down!
Welcome to ld4all.com forum, it’s the best place to get anything you need and to talk with! Glad to have you here!