Here we go with my questions:
- Why cannot I fall like in RL to the pavement?
You can, you have to desire to fall and be in the right dream environment… skyscraper dreams are the best where you can clearly see the ground before you jump, and you have a general notion of how the physics of hitting the ground, falling, etc, work.
For example if you are familiar with a building you see a lot, perhaps have been up in it, been close to it on the ground… that’d be a good one to jump from in the dream.
Sometimes you will encounter quirky alittude/flying problems, and I’m not sure what determines it… maybe the sub-c has to load gravity programs or something?
I tried to speak or to shout inside my dream. But some kind of force suppressed it, but some moaning instead worked. Is speaking impossible in LDs?
It’s best not to speak in LDs but use your mind, after a few moments it feels normal… it has to do with you actually trying to talk in real life, and can wake you up… so if you find while you are yelling, talking, singing, etc, if you are out of breath, stop, and use your mind… I’m not sure why this is more of an LD problem than ND problem though. It might only happen when you are closer to waking up.
What’s the efficient solution to do some lucid traveling through the world? Have I to fly to the sky to get to other countries, should I demand a taxi to the airport or is there another possibility to quickly ‘change’ to another country I knew some images, some history and people from?
Well… some people belive you can travel the REAL WORLD, but I really don’t think this is true, I’m open to the possibility but I haven’t really been able to experience it.
So if your intent is to fly across the earth in real time as if it were real, you’d better study geography or something, or try and find an entrance ot the physical plane… however that is done.
Flying is usually not efficient long distance transport… example… you see the moon, think “hey i want to fly to it” that can be very hard, and sometimes when you get to it, it’s sitll tiny sized and you can’t fit on it.
Sometimes you can eactually seem to enter space.
Spining is a good solid method that should stablize your dream… but I prefer flying in the air, closing my eyes and envisioning my destination…
Doors are great… open a door that would lead to exiting a scene (such as your front door) and before you step through say “I think I’ll go to ___________” this can cause a movie like effect where you stumble in blackness for a while and your desired target slowly fades in, which is very asethetically pleasing.
You can try creating portals, those are tricky and seemed to have a delayed loading effect for me… unless I can actually see the location inside the portal and convince myself that I’ll totally be immersed in it when I go through.
Basically a rule of thumb is if it’s out of view, you can create it, or go to it… meaning stick your hands behind your back, pretend you have a guitar (while remembering what guitars look an feel like) and you should be able to pull one out of nowhere.
I suppose if you were strongly willed/imaginative you could simply turn around and be in a new location.
But the point of this is the black void is the best way from getting to a new location, you just have to keep yourself in motion and not stay too long… if you become aware of your sleeping body spin or fly very fast to avoid waking up.
and of course these are just all my findings, things could be completely different for you, and probably will to a degree, but i think most of us have similar means of doing things in dream.