I have moved 3 times in the past 4 years, but still around the same area kind of. Anyways, I still go to different cities alot and everyweekend I go away to see my girlfriend. So my dreams are usually very confusing, I have friends and family in their from far away, friends from where I live now, and it is all messed up. So I try to make a mental note for a RC of what city I am in now, I havent had any luck yet, but I just started doing it a few days ago. Anybody else have dreams like that, where its all scattered around from different places they have been?
I sometimes get my current town mixed up with the town I used to live in. In the dream I can be walking along and suddenly I’m in the other town. But I never spot the change while I’m dreaming.
I came up with one too. Strange thing though, was that I was asleep whne I came up with it.
Anyone here reas the strange sexual behaviour thread will have noticed that on a number of occasions that the girls that were sleeping wid had 'small dicks that kindda conected with the vagina).
Well, I was dreaming I was about to have sex. Then I noticed the girl had the above mentioned thing (before I actually touched her, thanks God ). It didn’t occur ot me that was strange for a couple fo seconds, then I remembered that thread. And I realised that I was dremaing.
And then I woke up .
I haven’t really lived in all that many places, so this RC wouldn’t work too well for me. Also, my dreams tend to take place in totally random places, usually places I’ve never been.
But it’s a really good idea to use customized RCs like that. Keep working on it; I bet it’ll work after a bit of practice
Perhaps that would actually lend itself well for you for an RC. I’ve actually thought about it myself, because I often dream I’m in random places that I’ve never been and likely not to go to soon.
When I’m writing in my DD, “I’m in Hawaii [or wherever I’m very unlikely to be IRL],” it has occurred to me that being in Hawaii outta be a pretty good tip that I might be dreaming.
So perhaps an RC of the sort of asking ourselves: “Is where I am right now someplace I expect to be?” might be helpful.
I’ve had a dream like that where I’m all of a sudden living in my old house again. Never occured to me that, “hey, I must be dreaming cause I moved 3 years ago”. Thought it was normal But RC’s I think depend on the person, so keep it up, and eventually it may work for u. I’m currently write “U R Dreaming” on my hand before I sleep, I read somewhere that if you do that, you will look at ur hand in ur dream and realize that ur dreaming. Hasn’t worked for me yet.
What ended up happening to me with that idea totally switched around. I never did be able to use that as a reality check. But after being interested in Pedros vild and reading about that I wanted to try it, and I realized I incubate my surroundings no problem. Especially if i think about my old house. I have tried it out with all different surrondings, school, girlfriends house, friends houses and it all worked. But I cant get a DC to tell me to do a reality check. Guess i gotta start working on that one.
you could on occasion check your surroundings and location, figure it out, and then ask yourself how you came to be there. That way even if you are in more familiar surroundings and thus less likely to pull a RC you’ll still catch the amnesia dreamsign.
I have lived in about 5 different houses that I can remember. I have dreams about 3 of them…dont know why I don’t dream about the others, maybe I dont remember enough about them. I never think that I shouldnt be there, and RC 's dont work for me, I’ve tried them for about a year, I still do them, just to make sure, but is there any other way I could put it in my brain that I live in THIS house, not my old ones?!
I tend to dream about places I’ve been, or some of them mixed together, There are only a few times when I’ve dreamed of a place I don’t recognise. It seems to me that if it is your subconcious putting these images into your dreams, there is no possible way it can make a scene up, as only your concious imaginative mind can make anything up, and only then by using things we have seen somewhere, so the places in your dreams must be places you have seen at some point, but you just dont remember them…anyway, that was a complete waste of time!
Your subconcious uses 90% of the brain, and your conciousness only 10%. Why do you think it can’t make up a scene on its own?
Since when? I’ve never heard of this, where did you read/hear it? You do know that the whole “people only use 10% of their brains” statement is completely incorrect and is based on akward ways of interpreting data?
But of course your subconscious can make up scenes. True, a lot of the things it “invents” builds on things you have seen or experienced before, but that is not to say that it copies things you have seen in real life. You remember what a door looks like, so your sub-c could decide to put a door anywhere in an imaginative dream-room.
I did read an article about that “myth” and I thought the truth was that only 10% of your brain is conciously used?
In fact, somebody in my science class a few days ago said that only 50% of your brain is normally used - until you take muchrooms. That’s why you hallucinate. Supposedly.
Anyway, your subconcious can certainly create a scene.
That would be a good RC, but I’ve lived on the same street since I was 2 and I can’t remember my old house. I’ve been to like 40 something of the divided states of embarassment but I don’t really dream about anyplace I’ve been other then this piece of ground in my home town. Maybe I’ll try that next time I go on vacation for a while.
That’s what most of my dreamscape is made up of. Familiar locations thrown together. I became lucid yesterday night when I found myself in the street of a small French village I visited once in my life. It became very clear to me suddenly - ‘I am in this town, so I must be dreaming’. So as an RC, I think your idea may work.
Yeah, I thought it would work for me but it doesnt. So I kinda gave up, I came close a few times. If I go to bed thinking about talking about something it will be in my dream, and I used to picture myself walking around my old property and questioning my surroundings, and it wouldnt work for some strange reason. But with anything else it does, then I become lucid, and wake up 2 secs later. But thats a whole other problem.