new! Select your kin and have it in your sig automatically!

Its not working…why

sitboy, go to your profile and select the kin from the pulldown menu :smile:

I’m not sure (no time to test now), but if you change something else, password for example, at the same time – the glyph is not set. :uh:

ah, that is good you notice that… well, then you have to reset your glyph after you change your password. I believe if you change something else it stays but i’ll test :smile:

edit: i changes my sig and the kin stayed, so it may be when you change your pw only.

What is a kin?

REMdreamer - a kin is a kind of energy for a day, generally speaking. there are 260 possible kin. They are made from a combination of one of 13 tones and one of 20 glyphs or tribes. The whole 260-day cycle is called the Tzolkin Sacred Count or Harmonic Module. Each day represents a special energy or kin.

You can find out more from the dreamspell forum on this forum, or you can visit SeaLife ( or you can have a look at my Dreamspell section on my website (

Good luck in learning the beautiful Harmonic Module! :smile:

edit: some other links that may be useful

Mmm this is really cool :happy: Now I won’t forget what mine is :razz:

I’m still confused why the Mayans used more than one calendar, but you did a great job on your Dreamspell section, AstareGod. :smile:

Sean - thanks for the positive comments
If I’m not mistaken, the Mayans used calendars to track celestial objects. I guess they were tracking a lot more than one calendar could handle :happy: I’m sure there is a better explanation than this but oh well it’s late :smile:

hey Q…

can you add the kin to the ‘search by’ function in the memberlist?
it would be cool to have the kin # listed from 1 - 260 when searching for kin folk.


or if the sig kin images where clickable to go to a page listing all the kin folk and maybe the attributes and affirmation of the day?..what d’ya think?

i agree it would be a neat idea, however i have no idea how to do that. Somebody has to write a mod for that.