New self-build LD induction device idea ...


I have an idea how to build a very simple, computer contolled LD induction device. Well, all other devices use the eye movement to detect REM sleep …
My idea is to measure the breathing with a small microphone attached to your nose (breathing changes in REM sleep). So just connect a small microphone to your nose and your computer. There would be a small program that checks the noise produced by your breath and, if it changes it plays a sound over headphone (connected to your soundcard as well) to let you know that you are sleeping!
The program would be very easy to write (with QuickBasic under DOS) and the device as well (you only need small headphones and a small mic). No leds, transistors and that crazy stuff…
Maybe I’m going to build it. Just an idea.

What do you think?


Please excuse my bad English :slight_smile:

Mmmm interesting!
Indeed worth a try…and its not expensive to…hmmmm…
Still u should now the exact change in breathing…or breathing pattern in rem…heartbeat measurement could also do it on a easy and cheap way connected with a program and your computer…
Hmmmm do it and let us hear the results.

U inspire me to do the same or try with a hearbeat sensor connected with my comp…lets surf the net for cheap sensors…

Nice Thinking!
my compliments…its worth a try…sure is!

You can use a microphone to measure the heartbeat! It works! I just fixed a condensator mic to my hand (the place where you can measure the heartbeat), started Nero Wave Editor and recorded …
Guess what I saw! Yes, my heartbeat. You can’t hear it, but you see it!
Well, there’s one problem. The mic is recording other sounds as well (if you move). But in REM sleep there’s no move! So it could work!

I will try it as soon as I have bought a mic (I need the other one…). Maybe I have one somewhere …
