Stephen LaBerge argues that the last things which are in your mind before falling asleep, can influence your dreams (which is why one of the techniques says the last thing in your mind must be your intention to have a LD).
Last night I tried another version of this technique: the last hour before going to bed, I tried to think about LDing all the time as intense as possible. I imagined vividly how it would be if I discovered I was dreaming at that moment, and what I should do next in case I WAS dreaming.
The last half hour I strengthened my will to have a LD that night, constantly thinking “I will remember my dreams… I will have a LD this night… Next time I’m dreaming, I will recognize I’m dreaming…” As soon as I noticed my mind got distracted, I focused again on my intentions.
I think this is a great alternative if you always forget to do RCs or other exercises during the day. You only need about 1 hour before going to bed, but you must do this with great motivation and intention. Really try to feel how you would become lucid.
It’s sometimes hard to hold on to this but it really helped me: I got my first LD in 16 nights. I’m not sure if anyone else has tried this before, but I thought I would share this with you all.
that’s what’s been working for me lately. but, personally, i find the intention technique works better after i wake up and do it when i’m going back to sleep. i think in leberge’s book it says your subconscious is more active then shrug
hmmm sounds a fair bit like the mild, but i find one thing wrong with it. I am a very light sleeper and it is a blessing as much as a curse. any way when i try this i end up stuffing up my sleep cycle and than i am awake for the whole night, no matter what i do. Ever spent the whole night just lying there trying to go to sleep?? its a good tech but unfortantly i cant use it, but please tell us if it helps more
i’m a light sleeper too. which is why i do it after i wake up and am trying to go back to sleep again. what technique do you use?
umm what tech, mostly Rt they work best for me and are good friends lol but i like the tlk ur self into it lol
You’re right ofcourse, that’s what WBTB is all about. But LaBerge also mentions that induction techniques you do before falling asleep in the evening, also have a positive effect. But they probably don’t have the same strong results as WBTB. I think that if you combine both techniques (induction before going to bed, and during WBTB) you can have the best results. I’m definitely going to try it.
You don’t have to do this technique when you’re in bed already. I did it about 1hr before going to bed. Do you think you’re still going to have troubles of falling asleep then? If I do exercises while already in bed, I have the same problems: when I use the counting technique from LaBerge for instance (when lying in bed you count yourself asleep like “1 I’m dreaming, 2 I’m dreaming,…”) I mostly stay awake for 2-3hrs which is pretty annoying.
Yea, I usually end up getting sleep paralysis, which is cool because it has a good chacne of becoming an LD(since it is right in the middle of REM) and think of yourself lifting out of your body, as if your new body is light and ur sleep body is heavy and you will find it easy to slip into an LD about whatever you were thinking about when u ‘departed’ from ur body.
yep i think i would, if only i could find something to help me out, maybe a new tech, something for light sleepers that cant get to sleep easy lol
for the lucky few
i dont get to teh ld, i get all numb and tingily and then my feet feel damn cold and i snap out of it, but if i am lucky and olnt real lucky my hyp images that are ment to come are sounds that are real louad, like some one bagging on my door, or foot steps out side. now u would think i could get lucid off this but my body reacts to it like “DANGER WAKE UP”
one time i did manage to do it i was holding a sort of a yo-yo packet ,(oh this is in da dream) and i looked into it and saw the milky way and shot through it and i said to my brother who is in the room “this is a wild, oh well i better go to sleep so i can get a lucid dream” he sorta laughed and than i awoke and felt damn stupid
any way