In the middle of an LD, in my room, I decided to summon a DC. I tried a couple of times just turning around and expecting someone to be there. Didn’t work.
Then I thought of something. I raised my arm sideways and turned slowly around while keeping my arm sideways so that I could not see it. Suddenly I could feel something. I turned around and could see a man standing there. I tried it again later, and a girl appeared.
The sensation of feeling is so much stronger than your eyesight in an LD, so this technique should work quite well. Try feeling around for DCs next time, rather than looking for them
Also, I turned on some music in my LD, and it helped me staying in the dream, since I got a lot more sensory output than normal.
Hey thats a good idea! I do that alot. I look around for DC’s cause I was trying to find Shelby so I could beat her up. But she wouldnt appear. Great idea! plus…my step dad wont let me leave music on when i sleep so I cant use the music thing
Wow you’re a violent girl. I guess I’m gonna be groping around for DCs soon. Once I tried closing my eyes and then just jumping forward in hopes of hitting a DC (same difference with your method…) and I fell on my face. I guess your way of doing it has much less risk. Thanks!
hehe blackeyeliner1 you sort of misunderstood me. I didn’t mean listening to music in RL while sleeping, I meant turning on some music in your dream. That would stimulate your hearing and make you attach to the dream a lot easier
So you CAN use the music thing
I’ll try this one more often.
I read this then took a nap.
I did it and it worked well.
Too bad a grabbed her “womanly parts” and she hit me with a monkey.
This is similar to a popular method of creating objects. Rather than turning around expecting the desired object to appear, some people find it easier to blindly reach into a drawer or their pocket, usually the item will be there. I suppose it would work the same for DCs, but I can’t say I’ve ever tried it. I’ll give it a go next opportunity.
I’ve tried this a couple of times since posting, it worked quite well.
Although in my last LD, it didn’t:
I tried groping around like usual. I was a bit concerned I was standing too close to the furniture/walls. Then, whenever I felt something, I could see that I had summoned a new wall or piece of furniture.
After doing this for a while, the room was so tiny and full of stuff that I was stuck in the middle, I couldn’t move!
i tried summoning a dream character last night, but nothing then i stepped into a dark room, this time i didn’t try to summon and got a hand on my shoulder as i was trying to feel for the walls, and 2 people appeared out of the darkness, i ended up in my house as always with a lot of LD’s.
i’ve turned on a cdj which is a cd turntable in a dream before, it was alright. Didn’t really play around to much just turned it on.
Once I get my next LD, I really have to get the DC’s to remind me it’s a dream. Including my dad who is in a number of my dreams. I want to try this method to get some DC’s and then I’ll tell them ‘you’ve got to remind me it’s a dream the next time I’m dreaming’… or was that ‘when you see me’ ?
hmm, strange, my first time ever (that i can recall) that i actually made a DC appear i just sort of concentrated on a character from a TV-show i like a lot and the person just took shape right in front of me
Clark, it would be “remind me i am dreaming next time i am dreaming” jsut because if yo uisay it the otehr way, your subconscious will get confused because your dad isnt telling you that you are dreaming constantly. So it will stop trying. But if you say remind me when i am dreaming, then your subconscious knows to wait until you are asleep to start letting it take effect.
In one of my first lucid dreams, i was in a hotel and wished to make a friend of mine appear. I thought for a bit about how he could be there and suddenly the elevator dinged… he walked through the doors shortly after. I dont know if this helps, but maybe not expecting a DC to appear out of thin air, but making the DC arrive in a way that your conscience mind is more used to will prove to make better results. Things like finding doors and expecting the DC to arrive through it, or turning corners ect.
Yes nightmare, good point. i have noticed that when i think things such as that in a dream, they usualy come no matter what. Even if i dont want them to come form somewhere, if i start thinking about the m periode, the nthey usualy arrive, heh, its probaby different with other people though
I will Lucid dream and find Ashley tonight, I will Lucid dream and find Ashley tonight, I will Lucid dream and find Ashley tonight. Goals goals goals XP