This is going on what some people have said; that when you LD it is your logic mind waking up. Well, i thought that if this is so you could practice doing logic things. For example, before you go to bed and as soon as you wake up you could do your maths homework or play a game like monopoly or something like that.
This should get your logic mind awake at those times and when you’re ready to ld just go to sleep a little later, your logic mind will have awakened before the rest of you has awakened and hopefully this will help you realise that you are dreaming.
This is like the technique where you ask yourself if you are dreaming when you wake up and go to bed.
I haven’t tried this as i don’t have a lot of time on may hands, so maybe you could…
Post your results please!
It should be interesting to see if this does have any effect and it is worth a try.
My dreams have the unfortunate habit of being too logical sometimes, and they seem to go out of their way to prove that I am not dreaming. (The other night I even mentioned the fact that the last time I saw a staircase like that I was dreaming…but it never did click that I was actually dreaming). Just got to get the final logical step there and I will be away…
I think that there defenetly is something to this. when i was 19 I had started
having LD’s and I almost alway had them after doing my math homeworke late a night. at the time I didn’t know anything about LD so the only dream work I did was to keep a dream journal.
Wow! last night i was helping my sister with her maths homework for about an hour and a half ( ) and i had a ld ! My first one in a few months --brings the total to 3. I wasn’t even thinking about lding at the time.
The dream was about as lucid as my other ones, it didn’t last as long though becasue i got woken up by my watch alarm (was going to do nap technique at 6:00; i tried, but i just fell asleep and nothing)
I haven’t been remembering dreams in the last few days either so don’t worry if your dream recall is falling, this technique might still work.
I am going to keep using this technique and see if i get any more ludic dreams.
For all who do hate maths like me theres another way.In my case working one.
It is to spend few minutes before sleeping on rewinding the day.It means to try to go back in time from the evening to the morning with most possibile details.
I usually do it before i conitune to some chakras work and it seems to work quite ok,sometimes even gives me recall after smoking night:)
good luck
That’s a really good idea Jack. Providing you’re not a religious zealot keen on the idea that dreams are uninspired messages from the heavens telling us what to do with our lives, you’re probably aware that dreams are constructed from the events that are most resident in memory. These are usually the events that happened during the day before you went to sleep, since those are going to be the strongest.
By thinking back to what you did during the day, you’ll be giving yourself a chance to predict what you most likely will be dreaming about. This allows you to program your mind with the intention to recognise that you’re dreaming if one of those events comes up. This is particularly useful if you do something completely out of the ordinary one day.
That too Atheist.Interesting.
But what i primarily thought about it was that it makes proper brain spots activated-ones responsibile for memory and in a way by awareness.Thought that it would be similar to doing maths that base on logic and some chain of relations.
complicated…but i hope it works for you:)
ps.its not my idea if thats the impression from my posts.I took it from some tibethan advices.
i have thought about the same idea, only my prob is that i want to gain more lucidity. so i thought i would do some easy math when having a ld to activate my logical part of my brain and become more lucid. and when i say easy math in dont mean like 99 cause everyone KNOW it to be 18 and you wouldnt think about it, just remember it. for me i would do like 67 and such…I would be very glad if someone tried this cause it might take me some time to have my next ld : (
well, i don’t know if that was intended by you, but my calculator keeps telling me that 9*9 equals 81
btw: if I remember correctly there was already a thread about this topic about one year ago. maybe you can find it via the search function and get some more information about this topic there.
I’m a math freak… maybe that’s why I’m a natural LDer? Just kidding, really, I don’t do math homework every night, but I do love doing math. I think this technique will work. I might try that tonight and see if it works since I have one msth assignment due tomorrow!